History Time Line

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    Alexander Defeats the Persians

    Alexander Defeats the Persians
    Ending a three year long war, in 331 B.C. Alexander defeated the great Persian army in the battle of Gaugamela.The battle was great involving many strategic moves by both leaders, Alexander and Darious.
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    Suicide of Sacrates

    RomeSocrates' death was unusual and also contained a large impact on his followers and future philosphers. He was forced to kill himself because he didn't really go along with the current government teachings.
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    Death of Alexander the Great

    In June of 323 B.C., the Leader Alexander the Great was killed by either poison or sickness. Even though he died in Babylon, his body was buried in Memphis, Egypt.
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    The Rise of the Seleucid Empire

    After Alexander's death in 323 B.C., the Persians started forming a new empire around the same time. As Alexander the Great's impact starting fading, The rise was also contritbuted to one of Alexander's friends, Seleucos, who had to split the empire, freeing the Persains.
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    Formation of the First Triumvirate

    Formed around 59 B.C., this was a political alliance consisting of Julius Ceasar, Crassus, and Pompey. They formed this alliance because they all had something that they could help eachother with. Those involved in this pact were thought to be seeking only for personal advantage
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    End of the First Triumvirate

    The First Tirumvirate ended in 49 B.C. Julius Ceasar became power hungry and ended up turning his back on his former allies, Crassus and Pompey, in order to take total control over the Senate in Rome. After using the power of the First Triumvirate to take over the senate, Julius Ceasar took the power from the Triumvirate to take over Rome.
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    Assassination of Julius Ceasar

    Assassination of Julius Ceasar
    Video Killed by his friends, Julius was stabbed in the back on March 15, 44 B.C. Julius was killed by one of his most trusted friends, Brutus. It is thought that the Roman Senate was behind the plot to kill Julius.
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    Nero Becomes the Leader of Rome

    Nero Becomes the Leader of Rome
    Nero became the leader of Rome. He was known for his extravegant spending. Also during his reign, there was a great fire in Rome that a lot of people believe Nero started.
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    Christian Persecution

    During the year 112 A.D., new laws were enstated against Christians and their beliefs. This law allowed Roman citizens to actively seek out Christians and put them to death. Anyone who didn't worship the Roman gods were subject to this rule, but it mainly applied to Christians.
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    Construction of Pantheon. 126A.D.

    Construction of Pantheon. 126A.D.
    This impressive structure was built under the rule of Augustus, but it wasn't completed under his rule. the construction was completed during Hadrien's reign. This beautiful building stood and still stands today as a large step in arcitural advancemen. Even today is stands as the largest unsupported concrete dome in the world.
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    Septimius Serverus becomes Emperor

    In 193 A.D., Septimus Serveus stepped in as Emporer to take over after the killing the former leader, Didius Julianus. Serverus was famous for doing what ever it took to get to the top and it didn't matter who was in the way.
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    Roman citizenship granted

    In 212 A.D., Emporer Caracella decided to grant citizenship to all the people who were living in the Roman Empire.This is a big deal for all those who were just conquered people because now they were treated as actual citizens who had rights.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    In 313 A.D., the Roman government decided that Christianity was no longer illegal and that it would be tolerated. This stopped all the hatred and discrimination towards the Christians.
  • Nero destroys a temple

    In 66 A.D., there was a Jewish revolt against the Roman rule. In retaliation to this revolt, Nero sent an army to restore order in the area. During the process of restoring order, Jewish culture was attacked through the destruction of their temples.
  • Suicide of Nero

    After being driven off the throne, Nero thought that he was an enemy of the Roman state and that he was going to be killed for it. Instead of giving those who hated him the satifaction of killing him, Nero killed himself in 68 A.D.