Dawes plan
Dawes plan put forward to attempt to stabilize economic situation in Europe. The main goal of the Dawes Plan was to recover from the damage that Germany felt after the devastating WW1. Also, this increased foreign investment and loans in Germany and I other countries as well. However, Germany had to get so much loans that they still have not paid off all their debts and loans in present time. -
19th Admendment Ratified
The19th Amendment ratified in the US, and gave women the right to vote. Which would later influence other countries to give women more rights. Since women got the right to vote, they had opportunities that they never had before, and they were able to voice their opinion, ad that led to them receiving even more rights after that. -
The March on Rome
The March on Rome, In the Italian nationalist movement under Mussolini. Mussolini disappointed with the results of the war for Italy. Fascism and anti-fascist become competing ideologies. These two ideas will develop very common ideologies in today's modern society. -
The Discovery of King Tutankahmun's tomb.
King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered and opened by Howard Carter. This led to the discovery of secret rooms, and we learned a lot more about ancient Egyptian civilization. Their culture, religion, beliefs, and life style. This encouraged historians to search for more clues leading to a better understanding of the world before modern society. -
Bank of England drops gold standards
Nurembery Laws
Germany passed 2 laws The Reich Citizenship Law and The Law to Protect German Blood; these 2 laws are also known as the Nuremberg Laws. -
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil war begun with support from Germany and Italy. The war caused high inflation, because Spain printed so much money to attempt to pay off its debts from the war. All of Spain’s colonies were either sold or given independence, because Spain could not support them any longer. Spain did not advance in society for about 36 years. This made Spain rapidly go from one of the most advanced and militarily-strong countries to one of the less advanced, modernized, and proficient countries. -
The Hindenburg Disaster occurred
Hindenburg caught on fire and was destroyed during abtrial to dock with its mooring mast at a naval base in Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States. There was 35 people casualties. This was a significant event, because it angered the US; which contributed to the developement of WW2. -
Slovakia Declared Independence
Slovakia declaring independence from Russia was a huge accomplishment for Slakakia, because it was very difficult to become independent especially when you're being dictated by a superior country. However, this later encouraged other countries (mostly the modern Slavic countries) to become independent. This independent movement showed that any country can have courage if they want best for themselves. Slovakia also set up a parliamentary democracy as a government system. -
Europe divides into Spheres of Influence
German-Russian non-aggressive pact, a secret protocol divides Europe into spheres of influence.