Period: to
The Seven Years War
The global war between the French and English. It was a fight for land. -
The Royal Proclamation
This Proclamation stated that French speakers in Canada were to reside in Lower Canada -
Quebec Act
The British signed the Quebec Act. This allowed the French to keep their customs and religion. This in hopes would gain loyalty from the French to the British. -
Period: to
Big Boom of Fur Trading
This was the time to be a fur trader!!!Hudson Bay Company was the biggest fur trade company at this point. People not working for the HBC created the North West Company based in Montreal. Both Companies in 1821 came to the decision to join into one company. -
Treaty of Paris
This treaty ended the American Revolution. The Brits surrendered. They agreed to let the land south of the Great Lakes be owned by the US. -
Constitutional Act
Split Quebec into Lower and Upper Canada. Both had a vote representative. -
Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
Canals, Railways were big. -
Period: to
The Great Migration
A whole ton of people came from the United Kingdom, most being Irish. -
Lachine Canal
Lachine Canal was made to bypass some rapids. -
Welland Canal
Welland Canal made to bypass the Niagara Falls. -
Period: to
Responsible Government
Responsible Government was achieved in all the atlantic colonies. -
Act of Union
The Act of Union is proclaimed. ower and Upper becam one unified Province of Canada. Became split into Canada East and West. -
Corn Law Repeal
Cheap wheat would be imported from Britain. Some farmers moved south to the US. -
Rebellion Losses Bill
Canada East wanted repayment for losses from the rebellion. West had already been repayed. It was signed and all the citizens were repayed for losses of the rebellion. -
Railways Really BOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fugitive Slave Act
Any people that had helped with the Underground Railway would be punished severely. -
Grand Trunck Railway
Grand Trunck Railway was the first major railway in Canada. Expansion of it was stopped due to bankrupcy. -
Reciprocity Treaty Set Up
This established free trade between BNA and the US -
Ottawa Chosen as Capital
Ottawa was chosen as the capital of the United Province of Canada. There were a few reasons. The Ottawa River being one. It was easy to transport along the river. -
Gold Rush!!!!!
Gold was found in the Fraser River. Many people then came to the British Columbia area. -
Charlottetown Conference
This conference was to discuss the possibility of a Maritime Union. It ended up becoming a party with the delegates from the maritime (except for Newfoundland), Canada East and Canada West. -
Quebec Conference
The 16 delegates met at Quebec and drew up the 72 Resolutions. This was a list of conditions that would be met if Confederation happened. -
London Conference
This was when the BNA Act (A revised draft of the 72 Resolutions) was signed by the British government. This was the document that would make Canada an independent country -
Reciprocity Treaty Ended
The treaty was ended. This was one of the reasons for Confederation. Without the treaty BNA did not have much economical benefits and Confederation would bring them. -
Ruperts Land Bought by Canada
The U.S.A buys Alaska from Russia. Canada fears that the US will expand into Ruperts Land. So, Canada buys Ruperts Land and it became the NorthWest Territories. The NWT now is part of Canada so it cannot be expanded into. -
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec became a unified country. John A. MacDonald became first prime minister of Canada. -
Warfare in Native Tribes
White settlers came into Red River. This pushed the Natives there into Cree territory. This sparked war between the Native tribes. -
Manitoba and North West Territories Joins Confederation
B.C Joins Confederation
John A. promised British Columbia a railroad connecting them to the rest of Canada if they joined Confederation. -
Dominion Land Act
Settlers in the West were given a lot of land. There was a $10 registration fee (which was a reasonable sum of money back then). If settlers worked for three yrs on the land they would get the land permenantly and have the $10 returned. -
P.E.I Joins in Confederation
After Confederation PEI was not doing so well. So, MacDonald promised to take over the financial debts of PEI. PEI becomes 7th province to enter confederation. -
North West Mounted Police
The North West Police are formed. They are formed for a few reasons. The main one was the Cypress Hills Massacre. This implemented the need for peacekeeping. Other reasons were: to sttop whiskey trades, stop the US from invading. -
Liberal Victory
The Conservatives, led by John A. MacDonald, lost in the federal election to the Liberals, led by Alexander Maceknzie. This greatly affected the CPR for Alexander Mackenzie did not care about MacDonald's dream. -
Indian Act
Indian status was given to those who were "full-blooded", meaning not Metis. The act states that the people living on reserves were not allowed to vote or drink alchohol. Timber taken from the reserves by settlers but, no compensation was given. Also, if a Native gave up the status he could vote. -
Conservatives Back
MacDonald comes back into power. He realizes that the CPR construction was put behind schedule so he put it back on immediately. -
CPR General Manager
William Van Horne becomes GM of the CPR. He is the man who decided to bring in navvies from China. Later became president in 1888. -
Metis Seize Church
The Metis had tried to petition for rights but they were ignored. Louis Riel is called to help. So, they seize a protestant church the same way they seized Fort. The government now decides to go to war. During the war Louis Riel was arrested. Many died. -
Trial of Louis Riel
Louis Riel was tried for high treason. His lawyer wanted him to plead insane. Riel did not and was found guilty. The government was faced with the decision of either hanging Riel or jailing him for life. The Queen wanted him to be imprisoned, but MacDonald hanged him to make an example for the Natives. -
Aftermath of Riel's hanging
Uproar from the Natives and Metis occurred. Legislative buildings were burned to the ground. Settlers were killed. But, now that the CPR was up, British troops were deployed and the uproar died off. Crowfoot and Big Bear, two aboriginal chiefs were killed. -
CPR Finished
Donald Smith was given the honour of driving home the last spike symbolizing the finish of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. -
Yukon Joins Confederation
Alberta and Saskatchewan Joins Confederation
Confederation Bridge
Confederation Bridge opens connecting PEI to the mainland of New Brunswick. -
Nunavut Joins Confederation