Bill and Tedś Excellent Adventure
*The date is the year that Socrates died, 399 BC. Month and day are unknown.
Purpose: This movie was our first movie because it takes place in multiple time periods.
Fact Check: Dust in the wind was also known as a song that is by Kansas.
Rating: 5
Connection: Bill and Ted are about to graduate in the movie and so am I. -
Jan 1, 1167
Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan
*The date above is the year that Genghis Khan was born. The day and month is unknown.
Purpose: This film helps show the events that led up to Genghis Khan becoming the warrior that he was.
Fact Check: In the movie Genghis was married to only Borte but in real life he had many wives.
Rating: 5
Connection: We learned about Genghis Khan in 9th grade and i've always been interested in his story. -
Oct 12, 1492
1492: Conquest of Paradise
- The date above is when Christopher Columbus' expedition makes landfall in the Caribbean. Purpose: In this film it shows how Chritopher Columbus became the first known European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola. Fact Check: Norse Viking Leif Eriksson was believed to have landed in present day Newfoundland around 1000 A.D. Rating: 4 Connection: Christopher Columbus wanted to prove everyone wrong. If someone thinks I wont do something, I get the urge to prove them wrong.
Oliver Twist
- The year above is when Oliver Twist was forced to work forcibly in a workhouse. Oliver's birthday is unknown. Purpose: In this film it clearly shows how orphans and the poor were treated during the Industrial Revolution. Fact Check: Children were part of the labor force and were used for highly hazardous tasks as cleaning the machinery. Rating: 3 Connection: I connect with Oliver in a way because I feel as if im always hungry and wanting more.
12 Years a Slave
*This date is the year Solomon Northup was kidnapped. Month and date are unknown.
Purpose: This movie helped our class realize what exactly slaves had to endure.
Fact Check: Mrs Epps never physically hurt Patsey, although she encouraged Mr Epps to do so.
Rating: 5
Connection: We are always learning something new about slavery throughout school. -
*The date above shows when Lincoln tried to have the 13th Amendment passed.
Purpose: This movie helped show our class the long process it took to have an amendment passed. It also showed us Lincolns personal life, including his death.
Fact Check: Lincoln is enshrined in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Rating: 5
Connection: Abe Lincoln use to tell a lot of stories and i also sometimes talk a lot. -
*The date above shows when Cecil Gaines was a young boy raised on a cotton plantation.
Purpose: This movie helped show a different kind of view. It showed us how difficult it was to be African American even after the 13th Amendment.
Fact Check: Allen only had one son and his name was also Charles. The real Charles did survive the war unlike the Charles in the movie.
Rating: 5
Connection: When I was in 5th grade our teacher made us chose what candidate we wanted to win, McCain or Obama. -
Purpose: This movie helped show how African Americans were still treated and how MLK Jr helped bring peace.
Fact Check: The Selma movement helped give birth to the Black Panther Party.
Rating: 5
Connection: During my past years in school we have learned a lot about Martin Luther King Jr. -
Born: November 14, 1998 -
This date shows the day I will finally graduate.