Napolean image 4

History Tea (Napoleon)

  • Period: to

    Napoleans Life

  • Napolean was born

    Napolean was born
    Napolean was born in Ajacio Corsica, France
  • Napolean goes to the Millatary Collage of Brienne

    Napolean goes to the Millatary Collage of Brienne
    Napolean Goes to the Millitary Collage of Brienne from 1780-1785. This connects to American History because if he didn't start his millitary carreer he wouldn't have rose to power and wouldn't have been able to sell the Louisiana purchace.
  • Napolean Millitary Campiagn starts

    Napolean Millitary Campiagn starts
    Napolean starts his Millitary Campagn, This can be tied back to American Histrory because many of the same tacics were used by U.S. Civil War Generals at west point.
  • Becoming the first Consuit of France

    Becoming the first Consuit of France
    Napolean becoming the first consuit of France leadsto a new consitution and his begining of his rein of power. If he didn't become powerful he wouldn't have impacted American History and there would be more French in America because the Louisiana purchase wouldn't have been made.
  • Napolean wages war with Brittian, Russia, and Austria

    Napolean wages war with Brittian, Russia, and Austria
    Napolean wages war with Brittian, Russia, and Austria in 1803. If Napolean didn't wage this war he wouldn't have needed money and France wouldn't be in dept, which means the Louisiana purchase wouldn't have been made.
  • Napolean makes the Louisiana Purchase

    Napolean makes the Louisiana Purchase
    Napolean makes the Louisana purchase in 1803 and without this America wouldn't be the same. We wouldn't had as much land area, we woulkdn't have the gold riush, or the Oregan trail, and we wouldn't have waged war with mexico.
  • Napolean Egyptian Conquest

    Napolean Egyptian Conquest
    Napolean leads an Egyptian Conquest in 1808, This is important to American History because through Napoleans Egyptian Conquest it had inspired the construction of the Washington Monument,
  • Napolean has to make major Millitary cuts

    Napolean has to make major Millitary cuts
    Napolean had to make a huge millitary cut out of 600,000 only 100,000 were still in commision. If napolean didn't need to conser costs he wouldn't have cut the millitary and wouldn't have sold the Louisiana purchase.
  • Napolean is exiled to Elba

    Napolean is exiled to Elba
    Napolean is exiled to the Island of Elba, this is important to American history because we had lost a great ally and with Napolean gone the Louisiana Purchase most likey wouldn't have been made.
  • Napolean dies

    Napolean dies
    Napolean dies on the Island of St. Helena South Atlantic Ocean