During the time of the great depression employment rates dropped unbelievably low. They dropped roughly 32% in the cities and 60% in the maritimes. People who could still work had dangerous working conditions, low wages and little to no rights. If you joined a union you also faced unemployment. Tons of the people who were unemployed applied for relief because they needed to survive but also a great amount didn't apply because they thought it was embarrassing. -
Stock Market Crash
Everyone who was involved in the stock market crash in October 1929 had a huge change in their life/ lifestyle. People heard that other citizens were cashing in stocks and immediately began cashing in stocks. Soon enough the banks were completely bankrupt and could no longer hand out money. People were selling everything they had, anxious to get any money they could lay their hands on. Soon after the stock market crashed almost everybody was living on the streets and in box homes. -
Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl took place in the 1930's for 10 years and caused major life disruptance for everyone involved and affected. Wheat prices dropped drastically and farmers lost tons of money due to the drop in prices. 250,000 farmers left their farms due to the climate. Most also refused relief because they wanted to be able to support their own families and did not want to be viewed as weak. -
Regina Riot
On June 14 the protesters arrived in Regina. The two leaders had an agreement that they could have a meeting in Ottawa under the conditions that all the other protesters stayed put in Regina. After the meeting the news was delivered back to the protesters and as everyone was leaving the police attacked looking for the 8 leaders to arrest. As a result the riot broke out and 1 officer was killed and 100 were injured. -
The League of Nations
Purpose was to make the " great war " the "end of all wars " by maintaining world security through discussion and diplomacy. Canada and other countries followed a police of non intervention or appeasement. Their goal was to keep world peace but because of some of the rules, certain people found ways to go around the League of Nations, which ultimately created more conflict. -
Women Working
In 1941 for the first time in history women were able to join the army. Although women could not carry weapons they had multiple other tasks to perform. Back at home there were also many jobs that needed filling so women were recruited into the workforce. In 1943 there were roughly 225,000 women working in munitions factories. It started off that only single women could work but soon enough married women could work as well. -
Dieppe Raid
The Dieppe Raid was a majorly important attack because of the lessons learned which helped in the victory later on at Juno Beach. The forces attacked 5 different areas within a 16 km radius. Four of the five attacks were planned to take place just before dawn, while the main attack was to take place 30 minutes later in the town of Dieppe. Extremely crucial lessons were learned but a serious price was paid when 916 Canadians died and there were over 3,000 casualties. -
Juno Beach
The Juno Beach attack was a success because of all the lessons learned from Dieppe. The troops had loads of time to prepare and ensure their attack was solid. This included building two brand new harbors that they brought from England. The morning of June 6 paratroopers jumped from aircraft or landed in gilders behind German defenses This resulted in capturing German headquarters, destroying an important bridge and seizing an important crossroad. 5,000 Canadians died and 210,000 were injured.