I am born
I was born on this date. -
Biggest search engine created so far
Google was founded on this date. Google is now the biggest search engine used. -
Yet another man has become president of America
George W. Bush became president of the United States on this day. It was his first term. -
Terrorist attack on U.S.A. was (sadly) successful.
Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center led by Osama bin-Laden was successful. -
Another war has began
American went to war with Afghanistan's Taliban and al-Qaeda on this day. -
Patriot Act
U.S.A. Patriot Act was passed on this date. -
Again another war has started
America attacked Iraq because of the threat of State-Sponsored Terrorism and the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction -
A mind consuming social media sight was created
Sometime in Feburary 2004 Facebook was created. Now has more users than total population on Earth 200 years ago. -
Elections are free!
People in Iraq were now able to elect there leaders freely. This was the first time ever in history. -
Video Sharing is now enabled
Youtube was founded on this day. -
Best gaming console ever
Xbox 360 was released on this day. -
I got in a car accident
I got in a t bone car accident on highway 33. Was in the same exzact model of vehical as shown in the picture. -
New president
Barack Obama becomes president -
Biggest public enemy is killed
Osama bin Laden was killed -
War has ended
U.S. combat troops was pulled out of Iraq -
I Liked This Page Because I Am A Internet Nerd
This Facebook page owned by me was created on this date.