30 Years Of War
Violence breaks out between Catholic nations and Protestant ones. The Catholics were mainly represented by the Holy Roman Empire. The war spread across Europe, except for Britain. The war ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia, which split the Holy Roman Empire in two. They lost much of their German territory. -
Louis XIV Takes Rule Over France
Louis the XIV took over the rule of France at the death of his mentor, Mazarin. He established an image of being a Sun God, meaning all light in France came from him. He constructed the Palace at Versailles. He also attempted to remove nobles from power and worked against Protestants. -
Peace Of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia brought an end to the Thirty Years War. It was a pair of treaties, signed in May and October of 1648. It is known as the beginning of the modern era for many. Each state was given the right to choose its own religion. People were also given the right to follow which ever denomination of Christianity they wanted in all participating states. Many German states were given the right to choose independence. This let the decline of the Holy Roman Empire. -
Charles 1 Overthrown
The English Parliament worked together to overthrow King Charles I after they grew discontent with his rule. He was defeated in the Second Civil War in England. Those who supported the king were kicked out of Parliament and Charles I was tried. He was found guilty and executed a month later. He was convicted of provoking the Second Civil War. -
Restoration Of England
After Oliver Cromwell died, Charles II became king of England. Before the government was a military dictatorship, run by Cromwell. The people decided they wanted to become a monarchy again and named Charles II became king. He restored Parliament, which Cromwell dismissed indefinitely. -
The Glorious Revolution
James II was king of England, and disliked Parliament. He was also Catholic. Parliament then asked James II's daughter to come and try to overthrow James II. They did come back and succeeded. Parliament made them king and queen, and they made the Crown and Parliament equal in power.