History project

By pioio
  • Period: to

    Roaring 20s

  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The Volstead act or more commonly known as the National Prohibition act passes into law, after being overridden by the Senate. The act aimed to cease the sale and consumption of Alcohol. The law takes affect on January 17th 1920
  • The Jazz Age Begins

    The Jazz Age Begins
    The Jazz Age began in African American communities in New Orleans. Influenced by Creole, Ragtime, and blues. Jazz became exceptionally popular during the time as it highlighted the personal freedom people took during a time of parties and prohibition.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Nineteenth Amendment
    The Nineteenth Amendment secured the right to vote for all women. By this time some states gave limited suffrage to women but it wasn't until the passing of this Amendment that the right to vote was provided. This was a massive change for the better that would further elaborate on the 14th amendment and later in the 1970's.
  • Death of Warren G. Harding

    Death of Warren G. Harding
    Warren G. Harding, a popular U.S. president of the time, dies of cardiac arrest after falling ill. Harding's unexpected death was a great tragedy for the nation, he promised that he would bring the pre-war era back. His legacy was tarnished after his death as scandals were revealed involving him and his administration, he was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge.
  • Immigration act of 1924

    Immigration act of 1924
    Federal law that excluded Asian immigration and set a heavy limit on Southern and Eastern European immigrants. This act was never truly repealed but later relaxed and replaced.
  • First Commercial Airline

    First Commercial Airline
    First commercial passenger service's inaugural flight occurred. This route flew from Salt Lake City to Las Angeles, solidifying air travel as a viable method of transportation. The plane flew just one passenger.
  • Ford Model T ends U.S. Production

     Ford Model T ends U.S. Production
    On May 26th 1927 after years of losing market share the Model T ceased production marking the end of an era. The main reason as to why over the years the car failed was due to Henry Ford refusing to change the design of the car.
  • Stock Market Crash of 1929

    Stock Market Crash of 1929
    For what was nearly a decade of financial boom it ended in a massive crash after the Dow declined nearly 13 percent. This would later snowball into a deep depression in which the public would make difficult decisions to survive.
  • Amelia Earhart Atlantic Crossing

    Amelia Earhart Atlantic Crossing
    Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She flew from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland to Derry, Northern Ireland while intending to fly to Paris. Eleanor Roosevelt flew with Earhart and even pursued a student pilot's license.
  • FDR's New Deal

    FDR's New Deal
    In 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt created the New Deal by making the U.S. Government into a more active participant in public and political works. Roosevelt helped bring America out of the great depression through this deal of economic reform. The New Deal helped ensure trust in the government to provide fundamental public services.