History project

  • 1472 BCE

    Hatshepsut declared her self that she is the only ruler

    Hatshepsut and Thutmose III were ruling together until this time
  • 1457 BCE

    Hatshepsut's dead/ disappearance

    Hatshepsut disappeared at 1457. She may have died peacefully, ro Thutmose III may have killed her.
  • 1457 BCE

    Thutmose becomes pharaoh

    Thutmose became pharaoh after Hatshepsut have disappeared.
    And Thutmose tried to destroy all records that Hatshepsut made.
  • 1353 BCE

    Akhenaton as Pharaoh

    Akhenaton made the sun god the highest status and closed other temples of other gods. Because of this the priests of other gods became furious, so he ran away to a city called Akhetaton.
  • 1333 BCE

    Tutankhamen as pharaoh after 3 years of Akhenaton's death

    Akhenaton's young relative became pharaoh in 1333 B.C. They convinced him to reject the new religion and worship the old gods.
  • 1279 BCE

    Ramses II

    After Tutankhamen died, Ramses II took the throne. Unlike Hatshepsut, Ramses II wanted to make Egypt powerful through war.
  • 1070 BCE

    Egypt's decline

    Egypt was never quite the same after Ramses died. After about 1070 B.C. series of foreign powers ruled Egypt.