Japan Take over Vietnam
Vietnam Independence
Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam independent. -
LBJ Wins Senate seat
LBJ narrowly wins a senate seat beginning his lengthy political career. -
Vietminh Overrun French
The Vietminh was designed to rid Vietnam of foreign rule, they overran the French at Dien Bien Phu. The Geneva Accords divide Vietnam at the 17th parallel, the communists get the north. -
Brown v. Board of Education
This Supreme Court case strikes down school segregation. -
LBJ becomes Senate majority leader
Brown v. Board of Education II
Desegregation at "all deliberate speed" -
Formation of Montgomery Improvement Association
Lead by MLK this association organized one of the most successful bus boycotts to desegregate busses. Created following the Rosa Parks incident. -
Period: to
The Vietnam War
In a fight for containment the United States were involved in prohibiting the expansion of communism in Vietnam. The Domino effect determined that if a few countries begin to turn communism more countries will fall to communism easier. -
Rosa Parks Bus Boycott
NAACP Officer Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a Montgomery bus, she sparked the movement for the desegregation of public busses. -
Vietnam Election
Called for to unify the country. -
South Vietnam Leader Rejects Election
Ngo Dinh Diem, the anti-communist leader refuses to accept the election and soon he becomes corrupt and uses the US aid for personal uses instead of his countries own good. The Vietcong are founded in the South (opposition) and kills government officials. -
Supreme Court outlaws bus segregation
Bus boycotts, carpools, lawsuits were some of the tactics African Americans used to end bus segregation. -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
This act is passed, largely in part to LBJ. Uses "LBJ treatment". Federal government power over schools and voting protection for African Americans. -
Fidel Castro is sworn in as Cuba's Prime Minister
Fidel Castro leads Cuban revolution, begins to turn country communist. -
Kennedy and Civil Rights
Kennedy wins the majority of the black vote by taking a stand on the arrest of Martin Luther King Junior. -
The Camelot Years
Following Kennedy's close victory, the Camelot Years came, these are known for their glamour, culture, and wit. The young Kennedy's had constant articles written about their admired family, further this admired family would be prominent for years to come. -
Puerto Rico
Almost 900,000 Puerto Ricans settle in the United States, mostly in NYC. ` -
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) founded
Students who believe King's "soul force" is too slow paced join this group and begin using violence -
Lunch counters desegregated in 48 cities, 11 states
Sit in tactics used by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) have been occurring throughout 1960 and by the end of the year they have made significant progress. -
Period: to
The New Frontier and the Great Society
Period: to
The Election and the Cold War
Period: to
An Era of Social Change
Period: to
Most Blacks that live in cities live in slums, black unemployment rate twice as high as white rate. Whites leave cities as blacks move in, violence and rage from African Americans and Blacks begin to erupt. -
The Televised Debates
The Presidential Election of 1960 features the first televised debates. The first of these occurred on September 26th, 1960. In the debate between Kennedy and Nixon, Kennedy was coached by TV producers and stood out in his blue suit on the gray background. However Nixon's gray suit made him appear to blend in to the wall and exemplified his discomforts. Kennedy's preparation influenced the result in this close election and changed the course of our country. -
JFK Elected President
Foreign Policy:
Flexible Response - we need more than just nukes, increases both nuclear and conventional arsenal Domestic Policy:
New Frontier - deficit spending to stimulate economic growth, increased defense spending and funding space programs -
Affirmative Action introduced
Extra effort to hire, enroll discriminated groups. -
JFK Enters Office
First Man in Space
Soviets launch cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin to space. -
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Bay of Pigs Invasion occurs due to the fact that Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared himself communist. The CIA and Cuban exiles launch a secret attack to overthrow their communist leader. The plans go wrong however and exile forces are killed and taken prisoner. JFK is forced to pay ransom and the mission is a massive public embarrassment. The invasion lasts till the 19th. -
Period: to
Freedom Riders test enforcement of interstate bus segregation
Freedom Riders from around the nation used bus sit ins to keep an end to bus segregation. This resulted in a wave of violence from whites and those who opposed racial equality but eventually lead to success in the courts. -
Alan Shepard first American in space
No description. -
The Berlin Crisis
The Berlin Crisis lasted from June to November in 1961 and resulted in the building of the Berlin Wall. By 1961, 20% of German's had left East Berlin forWest Berlin. This resulted in an economic drain on Soviet controlled West Berlin. The Soviets split Berlin with the Berlin Wall that was started on August 13th to stop people from crossing to Allied territory. -
New Left
Youth Movement demanding sweeping changes in the 1960's. -
Poverty Rate at 21%
No description. -
The Other America
Michael Harrington's book The Other America brings attention to poverty. Later in 1963, JFK begins addressing issues such as this along with racial injustice and civil rights. -
United Farm Workers
The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee is formed by Cesar Chavez. -
James Meredith may enroll at University of Mississippi
Governor Ross Barnett refuses to let James Meredith enroll because of his race, is overruled by courts -
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring published
Exposes dangers of pesticides. -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted thirteen days and was the sending of missiles including nuclear ones from the USSR to Cuba. When JFK discovered that this was occurring he warned that a missile attack will result in the US waging war against the USSR. An attack was narrowly avoided and the Soviets and the US reached an agreement on October 28th. However, Nikita Khrushchev's and JFK's reputations were severely criticized. Furthermore, Castro banned flights to and from Miami. -
SCLC demonstrate to desegregate Birmingham
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) have child marchers, protests, and economic boycott to end segregation. Many children and others are killed. -
The Feminine Mystique
This novel emphasizes woman dissatisfaction and was published by Betty Friedan, this bestseller helped inspire many woman around the country. -
NAACP's Medgar Evers is murdered, killers not prosecuted
Jury let murders go free, huge uproar by protesters -
King writes "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
MLK writes letter claiming that those who say we must wait for racism to end, really mean it will never end, and that those fighting for desegregation should do so nonviolently. -
"I Have a Dream Speech", said by Martin Luther King Jr.
Over 250,000 people converge to Washington D.C. to listen to speakers discuss the fight for racial equality. The day ended with Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" were he demands for a world for his children to live in where one's value is not determined by the color of their skin, or the gender, or any other prejudice. -
JFK's Assassination
In Dallas Texas, JFK is shot while riding a motorcade. The assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is convicted however while in prison he is shot by Jack Ruby. In the end of this tragic affair, Vice President Lyndon Johnson succeeds JFK. -
Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in as President
Succeeds Kennedy as vice president, people question if he has power to do so. -
1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Gives LBJ broad military powers -
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The Great Society
Period: to
The Great Society
LBJ's domestic policy to end poverty and discrimination. LBJ takes funding away at end to spend on Vietnam War. -
Economic Opportunity Act
Education, training, small business loans. -
Freedom Summer
CORE & SNCC project to register blacks to vote in Mississippi. Many volunteers were victims to violence -
Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes
Prohibits discrimination with enforcement. Outlaws discrimination on race, religion and gender in public places. -
LBJ's "Daisy" Ad Against Goldwater Aires
Goldwater was a hawk, wanted to use nukes in Vietnam. LBJ scares Americans of what a hawk might do. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTBnsqxZ3k) -
1964 Election (LBJ Wins)
No description. -
Sustained Bombing
Eight Americans are killed and LBJ orders sustained bombing of the North. US combat troops are also sent to battle the Vietcong. -
The Movement Grows
Rallies and Marches draw tens of thousands. -
Water Quality Act of 1965
Didn't become law till 1977, requires states to clean up rivers. -
Malcolm X killed while giving speech
Malcolm X was a muslim black rights activist who pleaded blacks to separate from whites and form a separate society. -
The Selma Campaign
Voting rights demonstrators killed in Selma, Alabama. MLK leads 600 people, TV shows police violently stopping them. Becomes known as "Bloody Sunday". Second march has 25,000 protestors join. -
Medicare and Medicaid programs established
Medicare- low-cost medical, hospital insurance for elderly
Medicaid- health insurance for welfare recipients. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965 passes
Bans literacy tests, allows federal officials to enroll voters. Ends up increasing black voter enrollment. -
Department of Housing and Urban Development created
Creates cheaper public housing for low-, moderate- income homes. -
Stokely Carmichael calls for Black Power, moves away from nonviolence
Stokely Carmichael became chairman of the SNCC and had largely lost faith in MLK's nonviolence method. -
National Organization for Women (NOW)
The NOW is founded, this organization pressed for day-care centers and greater enforcement by the EEOC (Equal Employment -
Black Panthers form, fight police brutality, want black self-sufficiency, violent
Win popular support by providing social services in ghettos. -
Increasing Number of Troops Sent
500,000 U.S troops have been sent to Vietnam. -
Over 3 million refugees. -
War Divides the Nation
Majority of Americans support the war, consider protestors disloyal. Hawks=Pro, Doves=Anti. -
The Tet Offensive
Villagers go to cities to support the Vietnamese New Year (Tet). Vietcong attach over 100 towns, 12 US air bases. The offensive lasts a month before the Vietnam regain control. After Tet, the doves and hawks began to become equal numbers. -
Nixon Wins Nomination
Richard Nixon finally wins the republican nomination. Elected President. -
Bilingual Education Act
The act helps to fund bilingual and cultural programs. -
Kerner Commission names racism as main cause of urban violence
No description. -
The American Indian Movement was founded to address issues related to sovereignty, leadership, and treaties. Further, it protested the rights and racism against native Americans, specifically in its early years. -
National Council on Indian Opportunity
This was established by LBJ to oversee the rise of federal programs to benefit the American Indian population. -
Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated
James Earl Ray, the suspected murderer, pleads guilty to avoid receiving the death penalty even though he says he is innocent and receives life in prison. His death rocks over 100 cities and results in major demonstrations in over 100 college campuses. -
Civil Rights Act of 1968 passes
Prohibits discrimination in housing. -
King gives Memphis Speech, objects preaching of violence, senses own death
King objects violence being used by blacks, he says in his speech that he doesn't have a lot of time left to lead the Civil Rights movement. -
Draft Lottery
Random draft lottery initiated to reduce draft dodging/ bias. -
Man on the Moon
Kennedy's dream of within a decade comes true and Louis Armstrong is the first man on the Moon. -
This concert gathered many of the most popular bands and over 400,000 people attend. -
Invasion of Cambodia
The Invasion of Cambodia clears out Vietcong supply stations. -
United Farm Workers
Co-founder Dolores Huerta negotiates a contract. -
La Ruza Unida
La Ruza Unida is founded, it is a Latino political movement that wins local political races. -
Doves are the majority
By 1971 Doves make up 60% of the population. -
North Vietnam Attack
The US bomb cities and the war continues. -
AIM March
AIM leads a march in DC to protest treaty violations and seek restoration of land. As a further protest they occupy the Bureau of Indian Affairs and destroy property. -
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Congress passes the ERA. -
"Peace at hand"
Kissinger signs peace agreement. -
War Powers Act
President must inform congress within 48 hours of deploying troops and have a 90 day maximum development without Congressional approval. -
New Right
The New Right is formed by conservatives who build a "pro-family" movement. Focused on social, cultural, and moral problems. It slowly builds grassroots support. -
Poverty at 11% (caused by LBJ's Great Society)
No description. -
Roe v. Wade
This Supreme Court case ruled that women have the right to have an abortion in their first trimester. -
Sioux seize Wounded Knee
In this event the Sioux take back wounded knee from the US government and have a violent confrontation with FBI. -
South surrenders
This concludes the Vietnam War. -
Women in Politics
Women hold 13.5% elected state offices and 24 seats in congress.