Robber Barons
Ruthlessly powerful US capitalists or industrialists who were considered to have acquired their money by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or any other unethical means. -
Bessemer Steel Production
The first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel. -
Political Machines
A political group in which a boss commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses. -
Susan B. Anthony
Founded the National Woman Suffrage Association -
Social Gospel
A movement led by a group of liberals against the problems in society that were caused by rapid industrialization. -
Gilded Age
A term by Mark Twain to describe the time when many Industrialists acquired their wealth and lived lavish lifestyles by corrupt means. -
Alexander Graham Bell
Created the telephone and founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. -
Haymarket Riot
A protest that turned into a riot outside Chicagos Haymarket when someone threw a bomb at the police. -
Interstate Commerce Act
A federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry. -
Settlement Houses
I house where volunteer workers lived hoping that they could help educate the poor. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
The first federal act that outlawed monopolistic businesses. -
Populism & Progressivism
Movements that were started because of peoples dissatisfaction with the government and its inability to deal effectively in addressing the problems. -
Jacob Riis
A reporter, social reformer, and photographer in the 1890s -
Ida B. Wells
Started an anti-lynching campaign -
Eugene V. Debs
Organized the American Railway Union, which started a strike against the Pullman Company of Chicago. -
Clarence Darrow
Defended Eugene Debs when he was arrested for the pullman strike. -
William Jennings Bryan
Was a dominant force in the Democratic Party. -
Klondike Gold Rush
A migration by 100,000 prospectors to the Klondike region of Canada -
Initiative, Referendum, Recall
Three powers that allow voters to propose or repeal legislation or remove an elected official from office. -
Andrew Carnegie
Also known as the Patron Saint of Libraries because of how much money he donated to build libraries. The money he donated built a total of 2,509 libraries -
American journalists who attacked established institutions and leaders as corrupt -
Upton Sinclair
Wrote the infamous book, The Jungle, that exposed the horrific secrets of the meat packing industry. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prevents the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated, misbranded, poisonous, or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors. -
Dollar Diplomacy
A form of American foreign policy to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power. -
Theodore Roosevelt
Had the idea of the three C's which were conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. -
16th Amendment
Allows the federal government to collect an income tax on all Americans -
Federal Reserve Act
Created and established the federal reserve system. -
17th Amendment
Allowed us to vote for our senators. -
18th Amendment
Banned the sale and drinking of alcohol. -
The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants. -
19th Amendment
Gives women the right to vote -
Industrialization Tenement
Where many tenements were demolished and replaced by apartment complexes for the many people that crowded the city. -
Teapot Dome Scandal
A briber scandal that involved president Warren G. Harding. -
Jane Addams
Was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for founding the Hull House