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History project 2021 (1920-1930)

  • Period: to

    The History of Canada

  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    The persons case happened in 1916 and was about the inequality women faced,Emily Murphy was made the first woman judge in the British empire.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Spanish Flu happened in 1918.Canada saw roughly 2 million cases of the Spanish flu also known as influenza, in Ontario only they saw roughly 10,000 cases. This was a huge epidemic in history,its when its victims felt sore throat, headache, and fever, especially during the first wave. However, during the second wave, the disease was much more serious, often complicated by bacterial pneumonia, which was often the cause of death.
  • Bloody Saturday

    Bloody Saturday
    Bloody Saturday happened on Saturday June 21 1919.This is the day that thousands of workers in Winnipeg went on strike. Violence broke out into the streets and the strikers went to city hall and started to throw things like tin cans bricks stones and even lumps of concrete towards the front doors of city hall.
  • Causes Of The Great Depression

    Causes Of The Great Depression
    There were six main causes to the Great Depression. 1.Over-Production and Over-Expansion(Too much agriculture and industry expansion.) 2.Canada's Dependence on a few primary products(dependence on things like wheat fish and minerals also known as staples) 3.Canada's Dependence on The U.S(In 1920s Canada bought 65% of import from the U.S) 4.High Tariffs Choked Off International Trade(recovery of the European war,Europeans left heavily in debt) 5Too Much Credit Buying 6.TooMuchCreditbuyingofStocks
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition was the ban of alcohol trading,import and transportation across the country. People would start to buy illegal liquor(after it was banned) called bootleg booze. The people whom sold illegal booze were called bootleggers. Soon after this Elegant private clubs called speaksies became a huge hit where you could go to get booze or sell it. All this started on January 17 1920.
  • Insulin

    Insulin was invented by an Ontario doctor,Frederick Banting with the help with Charles Best in the summer of 1921. By late 1922 insulin was ready to use to treat diabetes. In 1923 J.R.R Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize for the invention insulin Banting thought Best didn't receive proper credit for his work as well so Banting shared his 40,000 dollar prize halfway with him
  • Talkies

    Talkies were arrived in Canada in 1927, talkies were a way people could watch short films with words/sound. before short films like the little tramp staring Rudolph Valentine needed no words to get his funny story line across. Actress Mary Pickford was the american dream although she was Canadian. she made a big sum of $10,000 a week! Pickford was also a successful business woman and before she died she bought all her movies so no one could ever watch them again as she said she was insecure.
  • Flapper

    A Flapper was a woman whom dressed outrageously,usually there hair was cut in a short "bobbed style". Theses were the women of the twenties.
  • Jazz Age

    Jazz Age
    Jazz started in 1928 when jazz moved north from New Orleans to the United States. two black Americans Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong made jazz popular. Popular dance "the Charleston" also became a part of jazz dance culture.Members of the Boston City Council tried to have the dance banned but the Charleston wasn't ready to leave and stayed. It became a huge part of what we know now as the Jazz Age.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday (October 1929) was the day the stock market crashed and was one of the most dramatic events in history which caused signalling towards the great depression
  • Relief

    Relief was used during the great depression to help the unemployed/poor to be able to eat so they didn't starve.This was an Emergency financial and was only given to some. Some people couldn't receive relief which was very unfortunate.The Federal government was responsible for making this happen.Prime Minister King thought the depression would quickly pass and they should just "wait it out".
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The great depression happened from 1929-1941. Most will say "this started because the stock market crashed" but that is false it was just a symptom.The great depression effected almost everyone in America. Everyone went poor and was unemployed. people eventually convinced the government this wasn't going to change overnight and eventually they had something called relief,this was given to some unemployed so they wouldn't starve People also started handing out soups because it was cheap/add water
  • Bennett Buggy

    Bennett Buggy
    The Bennett Buggy was a car that had the engine removed and a horse pulling the car like a carriage.This happened when nobody had money to buy gasoline to in which a cheaper option used a horse
  • Five Cent Speech

    Five Cent Speech
    The five cent speech was given by Mackenzie King in the election of 1930. In this speech King claims that he wouldn't give a five cent piece to any province that didn't acquire a Liberal Government,he was than voted out of the election.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    The new deal happened in 1935.How this happened was the great depression was getting no better so Prime Minister RB Bennett a program people called the "new deal" it was something similar to what President Roosevelt did in the U.S where they used all the governments resources to get the economy going Projects like fixing roads and buildings were used to provide jobs to the people who had none. Some say his ordeal was just a way to win votes,unfortunately he did not win the next election King did