
History periods

  • 25,000 BCE

    Prehistory period

    Prehistory period
    Firts human species and use of fire
  • 12,000 BCE

    Neolithic period

    Neolithic period
    New cultural characteristics changes and domesticated animals.
  • 4500 BCE

    Metal age

    Metal age
    The metal age is divided into three periods:
    -Copper age
    -Bronze age
    -Iron age
  • 500

    Middle ages

    Middle ages
    Middle ages is the period of the three traditional divisions of Western History: Aunquity, medieval period and the modern period.
  • 753


    His the first period of the history.
    Is when the writing appears
  • Modern age

    Modern age
    There was notables historical milestones, in them was the european Renaissance, the age of Discovery, ect..
  • Contemporany

    The contemporary is the period where we are currently, contemporary history is politically, advances in society both in technological things.