History peridos

  • 1 CE

    Paleolithic period

    Paleolithic period
    The Paleolithic is a period in the prehistory characterized by the use of a diferent tools and paints than now and were nomads. Started 2,5milions years ago and finally 9.000 years ago.
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    Neolithic period

    Neolithic period
    The neolithic is a period of the prehistory when the humans descobered the agriculture and the ramadery and become sedentarys. Started in 1865
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    Metal age

    Metal age
    The metal age is another period of the prehistory and is when the humans descobered the metal. Started in v milion bc, and finally in I millon bc.
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    It's a period of the history when strated the writing. Started in 4.000 b.c and finally 476 a.c when the roman empire fell.
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    Middle ages

    Middle ages
    The middle age is a period of the history that started in the V century and finally in the XV century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.
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    Modern age

    Modern age
    It's a period of the history. In this period fell the Constantinopla and discobered America.
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    Contemporany age

    Contemporany age
    Is the period from 1789 to the actuality. In this period was invented the tecnology