History part 2

  • Period: to


    Franz Ferdinand got assassinated which was the straw that broke the camels back. peace treaty was signed on the 11 min of the 11 day 11 month 11 week 11 year 11 sec
  • russians quit war

    Russian revolution overthrows Nickolas 11
  • russians quit the war

    riots broke out over the new russian goverments handling of the war and the scarcity of food and fuel
  • the end of the war

    Poland Czechoslovakia hungry broke away from the ottoman empire
  • Peace confrence

    president Wilson and many gathered for peace talks and Wilson proposed 14 points but the league of nations was all they excepted.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany move all troupes out to Belgium. pay allies billions of dollars, disarm Europe and give up some territory in Europe.