History of Written Word

  • 3500 BCE

    Sumerian Cuneiform

    In southern Mesopotamia, writing made by carving certain marks into clay using a reed.
  • 3150 BCE

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics

    Debated whether or not the form of writing is derived from the Mesopotamian Cuneiform, very similar to this because it uses the same techniques and wet clay.
  • 1200 BCE

    Chinese Writing

    Thought to be come up with independently from Sumerian influences. Written using oracle bones.
  • 1100 BCE

    Creation of Phoenician Alphabet

    In Phoenicia, an alphabet to make communication easier and smoother is created. This alphabet led to Greek and Roman words and alphabets.
  • 196 BCE

    Rosetta Stone Created

    It was a written priestly decree from the reign of Ptolemy V, which was written in Egyptian, demotic, and Greek script.
  • 250

    Writing in Mesoamerica

    The Maya are credited to be the first civilization to have records of written communication in the Americas.
  • 1234

    Metal Type Printing

    The first type of metal printing is created in Japan.
  • Internet Created

    The internet is created which creates a shift more towards online stories and culture and moves away from the written word.