History of Women in Education

  • First Co-Ed College in U.S.

    First Co-Ed College in U.S.
    The first college to allow both men and women was Oberlin College in Ohio.
  • First Woman to Earn Bachelor's Degree

    First Woman to Earn Bachelor's Degree
    Graduating from Wesleyan College in Macon, GA, Catherine Brewer became the first woman to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in the United States.
  • First Woman Doctor

    First Woman Doctor
    Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman doctor after graduating from Geneva Medial School in Geneva, New York.
  • First African American Woman to Earn College Degree

    First African American Woman to Earn College Degree
    Sarah Jane Woodson Early became the first African American Women to earn a college degree. She graduated from Oberlin College which was one of the first colleges to allow African Americans.
  • First Woman to Graduate Law School

    First Woman to Graduate Law School
    In 1870, Ada Kepley became the first woman to graduate from law school. Soon after Kepley was denied to practice law, a bill by her husband was passed in 1872 granting women the right to practice law. Kepley earned her license to practice in 1881.
  • First Female College Professor

    First Female College Professor
    Harriette Cooke became the United State's first woman college professor at Cornell College.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX restricts any gender discrimination in any publicly funded education program.
  • Equal Access Act of 1984

    Equal Access Act of 1984
    Schools that are publicly funded must provide equal access to all extracurricular events to both genders.
  • Gender Equity in Education

    Gender Equity in Education
    Congress adopts the Gender Equity in Education Act. This act promotes training educators in women's equity and women's studies.
  • United States vs. Virginia

    United States vs. Virginia
    The longest standing male only institute was struck down in United States vs. Virginia.