Historyof Welding Timeline: Complete the timeline with additional events and times in the order as they occured after the last even.
By MatildaW8
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E. Fouch and F. Picard develops oxyacetylene torch in France.
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Menne invented the Oxygen Lance in Germany.
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President Teddy Roosevelt took over the Panama Canal project from the French.
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Hans Goldschmidt of Essen, Germany invented Thermit Welding (TW), an exothermic reaction between aluminum powder and a metal oxide.. Used to weld railroad rails together.
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Concentrated Acetylene Company invents the portable cylinder for the auto headlights.
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L. W. Chubb of Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing, East Pittsburg, PA, experiments with electrolytic condensers and rectifiers and found that wires could be connected to aluminum plates. Copper could be joined in a like manner.