
History of Voting Rights

By bnk
  • White Male Property Owners

    White Male Property Owners
    Only white male adult property owners have the right to vote.
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment
    The 15th amendment is passed. It gives former slaves the right to vote and protects the voting rights of adult male citizens of any race.
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
    The 19th amendment gaurantees women's suffrage, which is the right of women to vote and to run for office.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The first law to the implement the 15th amendment, the Civil Rights Act, is passed. The act set up the Civil Rights Commision.
  • Dictrict of Columbia

    Dictrict of Columbia
    The 23rd amendment allows voters of the District of Columbia to participate in presidential elections.
  • Voter Registration Drive

    Voter Registration Drive
    Dr. Martin LUther King Jr., mounts a voter registration drive in Selma, Alabama, to draw national attention to African-American voting rights.
  • Voting Age

    Voting Age
    The 26th amendment sets the minimum voting age at 18.
  • Language Assitance Act

    Language Assitance Act
    The Voting Rights Language Assistance Act was passed. This legislation required bilingual voting materials and expanded coverage to jurisdictions with more than 10,000 voting-age minority citizens who were not proficient in English.
  • Motor Voter Law

    Motor Voter Law
    The Federal Motor Voter Law takes effect, making it easier to register to vote.
  • Help America to Vote Act

    Help America to Vote Act
    Congress passed the Help America to Vote Act. This legislation sought to improve the administration of federal elections by providing assistance with the administration of certain federal election laws and programs.