History of Volleyball.

  • Volleyball Invented!

    Volleyball Invented!
    The day volleyball (not called volleyball at the time, it was called mintonette) was invented.
  • First Game.

    First Game.
    The date of when the first game was played.
  • Bump, now lets set then spike.

    Bump, now lets set then spike.
    The day the set and spike were added to the game.
  • Points.

    The amount of points was 21 points, they decided to change it to 15 points.
  • Referees.

    The national referees were approved.
  • First 2 Person Beach Game.

    First 2 Person Beach Game.
    This was the day of the first time 2 people played as one team on a beach court.
  • First 2 Person Beach Tournament.

    First 2 Person Beach Tournament.
    The very first time they had a tournament for 2 person beach volleyball teams.
  • Volleyball World Championship Number One.

    Volleyball World Championship Number One.
    The day of the very first world championship.
  • Volleyball in the Olympics.

    Volleyball in the Olympics.
    The first time volleyball was at the Olympics, that year they were in Tokyo.
  • Added Antenna.

    Added Antenna.
    This is when they decided to use the antenna as the out of bounds line.
  • Block Does Not Count.

    Block Does Not Count.
    They decided to make block not count as one of the three passes.
  • The U.S. Volleyball Team at Los Angles.

    The U.S. Volleyball Team at Los Angles.
    Volleyball was in the 1984 olympics. The U.S. had a team playing.
  • Players Cheering.

    Players Cheering.
    The players off the court were allowed to cheer for their teammates on the court.
  • Birthday!

    The 115th birthday of the creation of volleyball.
  • No Net.

    No Net.
    No player can make any contact with the net.