history of vidio games

  • vidio games where invented

    In October 1958, Physicist William Higinbotham created the first video game. it was basicly Pong and was a huge hit among his frends and pers.
  • brown box

    German-born television engineer Ralph Baer and his coworkers design the first videogame console that works on a standard television and dub it "Brown Box". They develop a chase game,allowing players to control two squares chasing each other on the screen. A modified toy gun is made and able to distinguish spots of light on the screen 12 Other games are made
  • the first populer vidio game

    the first vidio game to become populer was pong it becacame a big hit and was the start of an area
  • the first consel

    Ralph Baer, a German immigrant and inventor, created the very first home video game console in the late '60s. It was simply called the "Brown Box," and it later came to be known as the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972 after he licensed out the design.
  • magnauox Odyssey

    The world's first home video game console, the magnauox Odyssey, sold 330,000 units in it's lifetime
  • the first indie games

    Joyce Weisbecker, who considers herself the first indie designer, as she had created several games for the RCA Studio II console in 1976 as an independent contractor for RCA.
  • atari

    Atari releases Breakout. The prototype was designed by Apple cofounders Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak. Blackberry's current variant is called Breaker
  • color tv

    nintendo releases Color TV Game 6,packing 6 variations of "Light Tennis"(pong)
  • pac man

    pac man was invented in japan in the 1980s and along with the other arcade games of the time took the world by storm and showed them what vidio games truly where
  • nentedo

    nentedo was founded in 1889. Their first video arcade game was 1975's EVR Race; a handful of others followed in the next several years, Radar Scope and Donkey Kong being among the most famous of these. The early 1980s saw Nintendo's video game division.
  • intellivision

    Matterl releases the Intellivision video console; releasing a total of 125 games during it's lifetime
  • family conputer consel

    nintendo releases the Family Computer console in Japan and is later released in the United State as the nintendo Entertainment System: 62 million units sold
  • sg-1000

    Sega releases the SG-1000 to the Japanese market Finding only minor success
  • nES

    nintendo releases the nES in the us. Super Mario Bros. is released and sells 10 millions copies before year's end;eventually being the top selling video game until 2008 with 40 million copies sold
  • ps2

    Sony releases the PS2; 138 million units sold and is the best selling console to date
  • xbox

    With their First venture into the video game console market,Microsoft releases the XBOX 24 million units sold
  • nentendo 2001

    nintendo releases the Gameboy Advance. With several different variants and colors, 81 million are sold
    nintendo releases the Gamecube. nintendo's First console to use optical discs; 21 million units sold
  • DS

    nintendo releases the nintendo DS sporting a touchscreen and stylus other Releases
  • Xbox 360

    Microsoft releases its second console, the XBOX 360
  • consel wars

    The Sony Playstation 3 and the nintendo will are released just 8 days apart from each other both enter the 3 way console war
  • minecraft

    mincraft is the most populer game ever and was invented by notch who worked for mogang in 2009
  • modern day

    vidio games in the year 2020 have been a great way for pepole to laugh relax and enjoy them selfs in there rough times
  • about the pictures

    im not putting any in if you remember from class the last time I tryed it deleted every thing so I'm not risking that again sorry feel free to doc the points