Cover picture

History of Video Games

  • Magnavox Odyssey

    Magnavox Odyssey
    World`s First game console
  • Pong

    First Game to gain widespread popularity -> launched industry boom
  • Period: to

    1st Generation

  • Maze Wars

    Maze Wars
    One of the first FPS
  • Fairchild Channel F

    Fairchild Channel F
    The world`s second cartridge-based video game console after Magnavox
  • Period: to

    2nd Generation

  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    Popularized game cartridges
  • Chuck E Cheese`s

    Chuck E Cheese`s
    First family entertainment centers aimed at young children -> Helped improve the image of video games
  • Pac-Man

    most famous arcade game of all time, appeals to both genders
  • Donkey Kong

    Donkey Kong
    first game to have a rescue mission
  • Pole Position

    Pole Position
    First racing game, and most popular co-op arcade game of 1983
  • Mario Brothers

    Mario Brothers
    had full color, brought video games back
  • Period: to

    3rd Generation

  • Video Game Crash

    Video Game Crash
    Too many bad quality video games were put on the market and left gamers dissatisfied, fixed by Super Mario Bros
  • NES

    Most successful console of its time
  • Legend of Zelda

    Legend of Zelda
    One of the first action-adventure games- made in Japan by Nintendo
  • Final Fantasy

    Final Fantasy
    one of the first RPGs- known for innovation and visuals
  • Nintendo`s Game Boy

    Nintendo`s Game Boy
    First successful handheld
  • Atari Lynx

    Atari Lynx
    World`s first with a color LCD display by Atari
  • Sega Genesis

    Sega Genesis
    First 16-bit console to achieve notable market share
  • Period: to

    Handheld Games

  • Turbo Express

    Turbo Express
    most advanced of its time and could play games on a credit card sized device called HuCards
  • Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega

    Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega
    increased popularity of Sega`s console and established sonic as company`s mascot
  • Super Nintendo

    Super Nintendo
    Advanced graphics/sound, ran 3d better, best-selling of the 16-bit era
  • Period: to

    4th Generation

  • Period: to

    5th Generation

  • Sony Playstation

    Sony Playstation
    first of a series of PS consoles, has a PS network, PS2 is the best-selling home console to date
  • Sega Saturn

    Sega Saturn
    powerful machine for the time, design made harnessing power difficult
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Nintendo`s third home console, sold 32.94 million units
  • Period: to

    6th Generation

  • Sega Dreamcast

    Sega Dreamcast
    First sixth generation console, a failed comeback console, discontinued in 2001
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    Best selling console in history, produced for 12 years
  • Nintendo Gamecube

    Nintendo Gamecube
    Nintendo`s fourth system, discs are encrypted and unreadable by most DVD drives
  • Microsoft Xbox

    Microsoft Xbox
    Microsoft`s first console, discontinued in 2008
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    allowed players to compete online and download content, streams media from PC
  • Period: to

    7th Generation

  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    made for a broader audience
  • Playstation 3

    Playstation 3
    can output high-definition video for games and movies
  • Includes Nintendo`s Wii U, Sony`s Playstation 4, and Microsoft`s Xbox One

    Includes Nintendo`s Wii U, Sony`s Playstation 4, and Microsoft`s Xbox One
    Face competition for smart phones, tablets, and smart TV
  • Period: to

    8th Generation