History of Video Games

  • The First Video Game

    The First Video Game
    Created by William Hinginbotham.
  • First Interactive Computer Game

    First Interactive Computer Game
    Steve Russel created Spacewar,
  • First Video Arcade Game

    First Video Arcade Game
    Computer Space (Spacewar) became the first video arcade game to be released.
  • First Home Video Game System

    First Home Video Game System
    The first home gaming system was called Atari. The first game, Pong, was created in 1975.
  • Pac-Man is Invented

  • Nintendo's First Console

    Nintendo's First Console
    Nintendo released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
    It was released in 1983 in Japan and 1986 in the USA.
  • Tetris

    Alex Pajitnov created Tetris for the PC.
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    Nintendo Game Boy
  • Super SNES

    Super SNES
    Released for $249.95.
  • Age Ratings Become Mandatory

  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Released in 1996 in the USA.
  • PlayStation is Released

    PlayStation is Released
    Sony releases PlayStation in USA, selling it for $299. It became the most popular game console in 1997 with 20 million units sold.
  • Highest Possible Score in Pac-Man obtained

  • PlayStation 2 Launches/ The Sims is Released

    PlayStation 2 sold out early morning. The Sims becomes the best selling PC game ever.
  • Nintendo and Microsoft Release Next-Generation Systems

    Nintendo releases GameCube and GameBoy Advance.
    Microsoft releases Xbox.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS portable game system released
  • Nintendo Wii & PlayStation 3 are released

  • GTA 4 and Social Games

    GTA and Social games such as Farmville and Angry Birds become very popular.
  • Microsoft and Sony add Motion Controls

  • Skyrim

    One of the first massive world video games.
  • Nintendo WiiU Released

  • PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Released

  • Nintendo Switch Released