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History of video games

  • The first game

    The first game
    Edward U. Condon designs a computer that plays Nim. It wins 90% of the games.
  • An amusement device.

    An amusement device.
    Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann file a patent for a " cathode ray tube amusement device."It challenges people to fire a gun at a target.
  • Chess-playing computer

    Chess-playing computer
    Claude Shannon lays out the basic guidelines for programming a chess-playing computer.
  • Gambler`s Game

    Gambler`s Game
    Programmers at New Mexico's Los Alamos laboratories, the birthplace of the atomic bomb, develop the first blackjack program on an IBM-701 computer.
  • More Advanced Chess CPU

    More Advanced Chess CPU
    Alex Bernstein writes the first complete computer chess program on an IBM-704 computer—a program advanced enough to evaluate four half-moves ahead.
  • Popular game across the country

    Popular game across the country
    MIT`s Steve Russell creates "Spacewar!" and it spreads quickly to universities and research facilities across the country.
  • Sports Game

    Sports Game
    A day after Dartmouth defeats Princeton 28–14 in football to win the Ivy League championship, a Dartmouth student programs the first computer football game. Earlier that year, John Kemeny and Keith Bellairs had created the first computer game in BASIC.
  • The first arcade game

    The first arcade game
    Nolan Bushnell creates "Computer Space", the first coin arcade-style game.
  • Maze Wars

    Maze Wars
    Two decades before Doom, Maze Wars introduces the first-person shooter by taking players into a labyrinth of passages made from wire-frame graphics.
  • Space Invaders

    Space Invaders
    aito's Space Invaders descends on Japan, causing a shortage of 100-yen coins. Within a year, 60,000 Space Invaders machines in the United States tempt Americans to spend millions of quarters driving back the seemingly unstoppable ranks of attacking aliens.
  • First ever 3-D game

    First ever 3-D game
    "Battlezone" is the first 3-D game ever created. IT is set in a virtual battlefield and was later enhanced by the US government for training exercises.
  • Tetris

    Russian mathematician Alexey Pajitnov creates Tetris, a simple but addictive puzzle game. The game leaks out from behind the Iron Curtain, and four years later, Nintendo bundles it with every new Game Boy.
  • RPG games

    RPG games
    Shigeru Miyamoto creates "Legend of Zelda" and SSI wins the video game license for "Dungeons and Dragons" and Sierra"s "Leisure Suit Larry".
  • Relaxing video game

    Relaxing video game
    Microsoft bundles a video game version of the classic card game solitaire with Windows 3.0. Millions of users who would not normally pick up a game console find they enjoy playing computer games. Solitaire becomes one of the most popular electronic games ever and provides a gaming model for quick, easy-to-play, casual games like Bejeweled.
  • First 64-bit console

    First 64-bit console
    Atari releases the Jaguar, attempting to be the first 64-bit console on the market. The product actually runs on two 32-bit processors.
  • Best player in the world

    Best player in the world
    Machine triumphs over man as IBM's supercomputer chess program Deep Blue defeats world champion Gary Kasparov in a match.
  • Not enough for demand

    Not enough for demand
    Sony`s Playstation 2 launches in the U.S for 299.99 and is sold out by early morning. Since the demand is so high and only 500,000 units are available, it is very difficult to buy a unit this first shipment.
  • Future of handheld games

    Future of handheld games
    Nintendo maintains its dominance of the handheld market with the Nintendo DS, an easy-to-use, portable gaming system packed with two processors, two screens, multiplayer capabilities, and a stylus for the touchscreen. Great games like Super Mario Kart DS helped too.
  • Rock Band

    Rock Band
    Grab your guitar, microphone, bass, or drums, and start playing Rock Band. That's what millions of would-be musicians did with Harmonix's hit title
  • Minecraft

    The indie game movement comes of age with the tremendous popularity of Minecraft, the addictive brick-building game from Swedish developer Markus Persson.
  • Fantasy World

    Fantasy World
    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim showcases the beauty, majesty, and massiveness of video games as players explore a seemingly endless, beautifully rendered fantasy world
  • Dramatic Stories

    Dramatic Stories
    Gone Home, The Last of Us, and Papers, Please usher in a new wave of mature video game stories that confront players with tough emotional choices in ethically-complex worlds.