
History of Video Games

  • Pong is Released

    Pong is Released
    Atari releases a game called Pong that you can plug into a TV. This is based off of the real life game of Tennis.
  • Pac-Man: Gobbler of Dots

    Pac-Man: Gobbler of Dots
    The classic Arcade game Pacman is released in North America. The game had you controlling Pacman collecting dots and running away from ghosts using a joystick.
  • The Crash Starts

    The Crash Starts
    The Video Game Market crashed due to lack of quality games on consoles of the time such as the Atari 2600. The flooding of the market from these games and the competition from home computers made the market crash. It was from this dark time that many companies like Nintendo rose from the ashes.
  • The Crash Ends

    The Crash Ends
    The Video Game Crash of 1983 is over, with Nintendo and Sega now leading the market in consoles. Games like Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog are some of the most popular games of this era.
  • PlayStation Joins the Fray

    PlayStation Joins the Fray
    Sony Entertainment enters the ring with their new home console, the Playstation. Similar to consoles of the time, the Playstation uses discs and a controller to play games. Such games like Crash Bandicoot, Gran Turismo, Tekken, and many more.
  • The Transition to 3D

    The Transition to 3D
    While there is no exact date for when the transition was made to 3D, many people credit it to the Nintendo 64 and its games including Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. These games used 3D and is widely considered to be the start of 3D graphics.
  • Xbox joins the Fray

    Xbox joins the Fray
    Microsoft joins the market with its home console Xbox. Similar to consoles of the time, it uses 3D graphics and a standard controller. Still today, Xbox and Playstation have a rivalry. This console included games like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Doom, and other games.
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    PC Gaming: Resurge

    PC gaming weren't very popular before the mid 2000's until a resurgence in the mid 2000's. The Windows operating system and the digital game distribution platform Steam are the two dominant factors in the resurgence and still are dominant today. While more expensive than consoles, games can be cheaper, graphics and performance can be better and the system can last longer.
  • Motion Controls: Revolution

    Motion Controls: Revolution
    The Nintendo Wii released by Nintendo had a very different approach to games coming into 2006. The Wii Remote and Wii console (Codename: Revolution) was released along with a copy of Wii Sports, a tech demo for the new motion controls. The console was extremely popular beating out Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's Playstation 3.
  • Video Games Today

    Video Games Today
    The Video game market has changed since the 1980's. Graphics are better, games have more appeal, games with team effort are more abundant and companies make quality games. Sony's PS4 and Microsofts Xbox One have dominated the console market, with Nintendo's Switch in the backlines. PC gaming has become more popular with Steam dominating the market in game distribution. Popular games include Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Fortnite Battle Royale, and many more.