
history of video games

  • how they were made

    how they were made
    in October 1958 William higinbotham make the very first video game tennis for two. it was like pong but it was meant to be like tennis,and it was such a hit that other people decided to make their own video games. William died November 10 1994.
  • how they got popular

    how they got popular
    in the late 90s video games got popular due to pong. like tennis for two you had to hit the ball and make your enemy miss it, pong was created by allan alcorn in which pong came to arcades along with other arcade games
  • the old consoles

    the old consoles
    while the magnavox odyssey was the first console, the sega genesis was more popular. made by sega themselves the sega genesis was made for games like sonic or godzilla
  • blizzard

    blizzard,founded in 1991 older than the oldest playstation older than the oldest xbox is the most famous computer game maker other than epic. thay made 3 warcraft games,diablo and other games
  • the first playstation

    the first playstation
    I know lots will love this one, the first playstation everyone's favorite gaming console the first came December 1994 and had the basic games crash bandicoot, spyro all of those original games and got more and more popular over the year so much people said other consoles were bad compared to it
  • the first xbox

    the first xbox
    of course we cant go without the playstation's arch rival the xbox. the xbox is a console that get hated on a lot which makes it underrated and the first xbox was made November 2001 which you could play games like star wars games and fable
  • world of warcraft: the good days

    world of warcraft: the good days
    one of blizzards most famous games is world of warcraft, it is a open world role playing game where you kill monsters and gain loot. made in 2004 the game was insane there were so many players that the server must have crashed a lot
  • the game everyone would kill to play

    the game everyone would kill to play
    back then the "people would kill to play" thing would not be but now it would be more likely because minecraft is on the list on the most popular games out there. made in 2009 minecraft was a sandbox game where you break blocks and mine and kill monsters of course, a game like this would not be a game without killing enemies
  • world of warcraft: the middle days

    world of warcraft: the middle days
    wow has had good days but they slowly got bad but that is for later
    burning crusade was the alright expansion it came out in 2007, wrath is the most popular which came out in 2008, and cataclysm which made wow's popularity go down was made in 2010 which cata changed everything
  • the other white meat of minecraft

    the other white meat of minecraft
    like the playstation, minecraft had a rival, but this rival was easily beaten. terraria is basically the other white meat of minecraft but with extra flavor, by that i mean more stuff in it more weapons more enemies and more bosses, which are the most crucial part of games and last terraria was made in 2011
  • what people play nowadays

    what people play nowadays
    these days people a lot of people only play games like gta which was made in 2003 and call of duty which was made in 2013 but you should play new games and see if you like them
  • wow: how they saved themselves

    wow: how they saved themselves
    wow just got done with the worst expansion yet warlords of draenor and they needed to save themselves by making legion the next best expansion where the demons are stronger than ever, legion was made in 2016 and was blizzards way to keep the trip going
  • fortnite

    it all started with pubg but in 2017 fortnite came along and dominated the gaming world, you eliminate others to be the last man standing
  • apex legends

    apex legends
    one game that tried to be more popular than fortnite but failed miserably is apex legends made in 2019 this game had battle passes but fortnite overcame that with a free battle bass
  • fortnite might die

    fortnite might die
    at october 15th fortnite came out with a new 2nd chapter but fortnite is kind of getting boring and they don't really add anything to the game so people might think it might die but maybe not