Space War
One of the earliest known computer games. Bult to work with a mainframe computer. -
Magnavox Odyssey
First know home video game Console. Retailed for around 100$ -
One of the most widely reconized home systems. Its first console home Pong -
Period: to
Second Generation Consoles
These are the 9-bit home consoles which would help lead us to the golden age of video games. -
Nintendo Launches First System
The original Nintendo system launchs. Retails for around 200$. -
PlayStation is Relesed
Retailing for 300$ the Original PlayStation is reliesed which is the first major selling CD-ROM type console. -
World of WarCraft
This is widly reguarded as the bigest selling franchise in the video game industry. It has been the cause of many deaths and relationship distructions. In October 2012 it set a world record for the most subscribers over 10million. -
Video Games become an Addiction
Governmental consern rose and the FCC commissioners stated that gaming addiction was one of the top reasons for droping out of college.