World Fair
Edward Condon, nuclear physicist, pioneer in quantum mechanics, and contributor in the development of nuclear and radar weapons in WW2 created a computer game for the World Fair. The goal of the game Nim was to avoid picking the last matchstick and the computer was victorious 90% of the time. -
Claude Shannon and Alan Turing created a chess playing computer. -
A. S. Douglass created a game that is now known as tic tac toe. This game was part of his research conducted on human-computer interaction. -
MIT student Steve Russell invented Spacewar! the first computer-based video game. For the net 10 years, the game's popularity grew to reach thousands. -
In home gaming systems begin
Atari introduces its first home Video Computer System (Atari 2600). The rest as they say is history. -
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) reintroduces gaming to the US after a period of reduced interest. -
Microsoft introduces a video game bundle of card games including solitaire, becoming one of the most popular electronic games. -
Microsoft introduces the Xbox, and later the Xbox 360. The Xbox introduces its users to advanced graphics and online play. -
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo introduces the first hybrid mobile/home video gaming console which allows players to play games remotely.