first animated moving drawing
patton made it in1868 -
First talking movie
briskinfo.com -
In the 1920s, American engineer, Philo Taylor Farnsworth devised the television camera, an image dissector, which converted the image captured into an electrical signal.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blvideo.htm -
tv showing
the tv was first showing of a tv -
first pocket transmit radio
It was the first time a radio was portable -
Ampex sold the first VTR for $50,000 in 1956
videopark.com -
NBC started broadcasting films -
announced rating
rating R for 16 years and up, rated X for 18 years -
The first VCassetteR or VCR were sold by Sony in 1971.
available cams
for the first time cameras were available for the public