History of Vaccines

  • 1500

    First mention of Preventative Innoculations about smallpox in writing in China

    First mention of Preventative Innoculations about smallpox in writing in China
  • Edward Jenner proposes the first scientiic method of vaccination

    Edward Jenner proposes the first scientiic method of vaccination
  • Smallpox vaccinations become mandatory in the UK

    Smallpox vaccinations become mandatory in the UK
  • Louis Pasteur Develops first live virus vaccine (Rabies)

    Louis Pasteur Develops first live virus vaccine (Rabies)
  • First Virus Discovered

    First Virus Discovered
  • Development of tuberculosis, diphtheria, tenatnus, whooping cough vaccines

  • First Vaccine against the Flu

    First Vaccine against the Flu
  • First combination vaccine (DTP-Diphteria,tentanus, whooping cough)

    First combination vaccine (DTP-Diphteria,tentanus, whooping cough)
  • First Genetically engineered vaccine (hepatitis B)

    First Genetically engineered vaccine (hepatitis B)