Great Salt lake
An exploring party proves that The Great Salt Lake is not part of the Paciffic Ocean in 1828. -
Brigham Young leads
Brigham Young leads a party of Mormons to Salt Lake Valley in 1847. -
Arrival in Utah
The first party of Mormon Pioneers arrive in Utah in 1847. -
Becoming U.S. territory
Utah becomes U.S. territory in 1850. -
John C Fremont explores
John C Fremont explores Utah in 1853. -
Utah statehood
Utah enters the union as the 45TH state in 1896. -
The Strawberry Dam is built
The Strawberry Dam is built providing irrigation for Utah's deserts in 1913. -
Period: to
Japanese Americans are held at the Topaz Center
Japanese Americans are held at the Topaz Relcoation Center from 1942 to 1945. -
Salt Lake City hosts the Winter Olympic Games
Salt Lake City,Utah hosts the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. -
Ambassador for China
Utah govenor John Huntsman becomes the United States ambassador for China in 2009.