History of Universities and Colleges Leading up to Ohio State University

By ben1998
  • 1088

    Founding of the University of Bologna

    Founding of the University of Bologna
    Argued to be the world's first university
  • 1096

    Founding of Oxford

    Founding of Oxford
    A "university" made up of about 40 separate colleges in England
  • 1150

    Founding of the University of Paris

    Founding of the University of Paris
    Old university taught solely by leading theologian Peter Alibard
  • 1209

    Founding of Cambridge

    Founding of Cambridge
    The same layout and architecture of Oxford, started by professors who left Oxford
  • 1360

    Lecture of Henricus de Alemania

    Lecture of Henricus de Alemania
    A manuscript suggesting a very close connection between the church and university in Bologna
  • 1378

    Merton College Mob Quad

    Merton College Mob Quad
    An example of Oxford University architecture that early American colleges strove to replicate, at least architecturally
  • 1488

    Duke Humfrey's Library

    Duke Humfrey's Library
    An example of a medieval university library. No book circulation, severely restricted access to books, and based around the idea of scarcity of resources
  • 1500

    Meeting of Doctors at the University of Paris

    Meeting of Doctors at the University of Paris
    Painting showing the elevated position of professor at these times
  • Founding of Harvard College

    Founding of Harvard College
    Architecturally trying to replicate Oxford and Cambridge
  • A Doctorial Disputation in the Auditorium Welferianum at the Defunct University of Altdorf

    A painting depicting an oral exam in front of all the students and professors at a University, similar to presenting graduate thesis or exit review. Common in these days for a university
  • Nassau Hall and President's House

    Nassau Hall and President's House
    Showing the small size of these early American colleges, this one at Princeton
  • Charter of the College of Rhode Island

    Charter of the College of Rhode Island
    To train men "for usefulness in society." Not for jobs, but for elite leadership positions of men only in society. Would eventually become Brown University
  • Muskingum Academy

    Muskingum Academy
    Became Marietta College in the 1800s
  • Founding of Ohio University

    Founding of Ohio University
    Oldest university in Ohio
  • Founding of Miami Univeristy

    Founding of Miami Univeristy
    Similar to the architecture of other "Oxbridge" colleges. Only one "old main" building at first, often still used in college logos
  • Founding of Heidelberg College

    Founding of Heidelberg College
    Founder's Hall still used in university logos
  • The Canon Act

    The Canon Act
    Establishes Ohio Agrigultural and Mechanical College, to become Ohio State University