Shippingport Atomic Power Station
The Shippingport Atomic Power Station, the world's first full-scale nuclear power plant, becomes operational. http://energy.gov/management/december-23-1957-shippingport -
Oil discovered on Alaska's North Slope
The Atlantic Richfield Company and Humble Oil and Refining Company announce the discovery of oil on the North Slope of Alaska at Prudhoe Bay. http://energy.gov/management/march-13-1968-oil-discovered-alaskas-north-slope -
Energy Organization Act
President Carter signs the Department of Energy Organization Act. The Federal Energy Administration and Energy Research and Development Administration are abolished. http://energy.gov/management/august-4-1977-president-carter-signs-department-energy-organization-act -
Defense Waste Processing
The Department begins construction of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina. http://energy.gov/management/november-8-1983-defense-waste-processing-facility -
Energy Policy Act
President Bush signs the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which assists the implementation of the National Energy Strategy. http://energy.gov/management/october-24-1992-energy-policy-act-1992 -
President Bush announces $85.7 million in Federal grants
President Bush speaks to employees at DOE's Forrestal building in Washington, D.C. announcing $85.7 million in Federal grants to "accelerate the development of fuel cells, advanced engines, hydro-technology and efficient appliances for American consumers." http://energy.gov/management/june-28-2001-president-bush-announces-857-million-federal-grants -
IBM's ASCI White
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dedicates the "world's fastest supercomputer," the IBM ASCI White supercomputer with 8,192 processors that perform 12.3 trillion operations per second. http://energy.gov/management/august-15-2001-ibm-asci-white -
Bush signs Nanotechnology R&D Act
Secretary Abraham attends the signing of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act by President Bush. The act authorizes funding for nanotechnology research and development over four years. http://energy.gov/management/june-28-2001-president-bush-announces-857-million-federal-grants -
First hydrogen refueling station opens in Washington, DC
Secretary Abraham joins representatives of Shell and General Motors in the opening of the nation's first integrated gasoline/hydrogen refueling station in Washington, D.C. http://energy.gov/management/november-10-2004-first-hydrogen-refueling-station-opens-washington-dc -
Building the 21st Century Grid
The White House announces new public- and private-sector initiatives designed to accelerate the modernization of the Nation's electric infrastructure, bolster electric-grid innovation. http://energy.gov/management/june-13-2011-building-21st-century-grid