History of TV's

  • Television was introuduced

    Television was introuduced
    The first television was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris.
  • Capture objects in motion

    Capture objects in motion
    John Baird developed a way to capture objects in motion. It was called the moving picture, and paved the way for movies and TV shows.
  • First long distance television

    First long distance television
    The first long distance television test ran between Washington D.C. and New York.
  • First major TV network

    First major TV network
    CBS was the first major TV network.
  • Color TV is released

    Color TV is released
    Color TV had been in development for many years. It was finally released to the public in 1950.
  • The moon from TVs

    The moon from TVs
    Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon and the whole world saw through their television sets. The TV revolution had begun.
  • Flat Screens

    Flat Screens
    Developers at Panasonic developed and released the flat screen TV. It quickly took over the TV market.
  • All-digital television

    All-digital television
    In 2009 the American people made the switch to all-digital television viewing.
  • Present television

    Present television
    Now television can do a lot stuff compare to before. We can watch at least 200 channels ,play game and watch 3D television,
  • Future Television

    Future Television
    In the future, there will be TVs that are the size of the walls and will know your name so you can interact with the TV.