History of Treaty #7

  • Canada Acquires Rupert's Land

    Canada acquires Rupert's Land from Hudson's Bay Company. British Columbia joined Confederation on the promise that a railroad would be built within 10 years. In order to built the railroad and new settlements, the Canadian Government found it necessary to extinguish Aboriginal People's title to the land.
  • Mid 19th Century

    Many outbreaks of smallpox, buffalo herds diminishing and whiskey being traded causes many unheavals for the Indigenous communities.
  • North West Mounted Police

    In 1874, the North West Mounted Police arrived to stop the whiskey trade. Indigenous people were thankful and trusted the colonel, James Mcleod.
  • 1875

    While the Government wanted to remove Aboriginal land title, the Indigenous people's perspective on treaties were different. They wanted to sign a treaty to make peace with each other, with settlers, and with the Federal Government. In the summer of 1875, a leader of Siksika, Crowfoot, was informed by John Mcdougall that plans for a treaty on Blackfoot territory were being made. That fall, Crowfoot met up with other members of the Blackfoot. A petition was made,including the request of an Indian
  • continued

    Commissioner, so that the invasion of their territory would stop until a treaty could be signed.
  • Peace Alliance

    In 1877, Sitting Bull, leader of the Lokota, met with Crowfoot. They made an agreement of peace.
  • Negotiations

    The treaty commissioners were David Laird,James Mcleod and Blackfoot. There were many cultural differences and misunderstandings. The Blackfoot thought that the treaty would ensure peaceful settlement and cohabitation. However, the Canadian government saw it as Indigenous people surrendering their land.
  • Treaty Terms

    The treaty terms were: Each group was given 6.4 km of land per family of five, and were given reserves. a payment of $12 was given to every man, woman and child. Annual payments of $25 were given to every chief. All chiefs could also receive a rifle. The government would pay teacher's salaries on reserves, and pay $2000 for ammunition and farm tools annually. Each family was also given cattle.
  • After Signing

    It is agreed that none of the Indigenous Nations knew that the treaty was a land surrender, if so, they would not have signed it. The buffalo hunters continued to trespass, as well as settlers. The Indigenous people were now impoverished and hungry.
  • Signing

    On September 21, 1877, all parties signed Treaty 7.