3000 BCE
Beginning of transportation
Egyptians traveled by cattle and feet. Getting from one place took years to decades because of the lowest level of transportation -
2700 BCE
Early upgrades
Later in Egyptian culture, the wheel was invented. They used it to put on small open roof boxes and tied them to cattle and walked. Travel was a little bit less tiring and more weight to carry. -
2000 BCE
Egyptians then discovered travel by boat. Made of burnt wood, they would float the supplies down a river. This made transportation a lot less tiring and was used later for discovering more land. -
1750 BCE
Roman Revolution
Romans created roads and shortcuts for people that travel long ways. This made a great way to trade and fight wars. -
1000 BCE
Horses and the saddle
Romans made a saddle out of leather and put it on cattle and horses. Horses made it faster for people to travel. Romans put tall wagons on the back of horses and called it the carriage. -
900 BCE
Slaves on Cortia
Romans built a modified boat called the cortia, it could hold up to 1000 tons and they used slaves in the bottom to row the boats -
750 BCE
Roman Empire falls but invents a weapon
The fall of Rome devastated the Romans. They created a carriage that carried men with arrows and swords. The horses were coated in armor. This made travel in war easier since they were off foot -
In the early 16th century, people put large sacks on the sides of horses and sent them on clean roads so men didn't have to carry pounds of supplies. -
Messengers and Highway Men
In the early 17th century, people became lazy and hired messengers to go give things to people for money. Highway men built long roads but people had to pay to use them -
Trains and railroads
Late 18th century, trains were made to make trade and help people get places faster -
Motor Bike
In the early 19th century, bikes that needed fuel were made to help people get places twice as fast. Trips that would take days would take hours. -
Planes, Cars, beginning of the future
In the 20th century, many great inventions were set. Air transportation like planes were made and made people travel faster than any vehicle. Cars like the Model T were made by Henry Ford. Electricity was invented which impacted our world greatly. This also let Americans fight in wars over seas using planes and cars. -
1900s Truck Driving begins
Normally, nobody saw any vehicles larger than a small truck. But an 18 wheeled vehicle that drives over the country was made. -
Period: to
History of a Truck Driver
This is the history of the Truck Driver -
Fastest Delivery(Truck Driving)
In 1930, a delivery was made from New York. The delivery was made in 31 days when it was delivered from Arizona -
Gas and Fuel
Vehicles were running on gas. Truck Drivers got discounts on fuel which usually led around 14 cents a gallon. Which made travel easy -
Modern Day Vehicles
Now, we use high grade cars and planes that carry tons of things and people each day. We use technology to do things we want instead of doing it ourselves. -
Modern Day truck drivers
Truck drivers now travel on longer roads for shorter times. Delivery is faster and amounts of needs are traveled easier.