History Of Transportation

  • Period: 2016 BCE to


    Transportation has change in many ways throughout the years.
  • 1800 BCE

    Two wheeled carts.

    Two wheeled carts.
    The first road vehicles date back as far as 3000 B.C. These were two-wheeled carts
  • engines

    The Watt steam engine, invented in 1769, changed everything. And boats were among the first to take advantage of steam-generated power.
  • auto mobile

    auto mobile
    In 1769, another Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot attempted to adapt a steam engine technology to a road vehicle and the result was the invention of the first automobile.
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    In 1769, another Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot attempted to adapt a steam engine.
  • Four-wheeled horse drawn carriages

    Four-wheeled horse drawn carriages
    It wasn't until the end of the 12th century that four-wheeled horse drawn carriages were made.
  • Stagecoaches

    During the 18th century operation of licensed stagecoaches and omnibuses spread throughout Europe particularly in Paris and England .
  • power flight

    power flight
    Orville and Wilbur Wright, pulled off the first official powered flight in 1903.]
  • trains

    Towards the second half of the 19th century the development of trains as a majority form of transportation .
  • railroads

    However, it was until after World War I, that car, buses, trucks came into use and exceeded the importance railroads services.
  • satellite

    The Soviet Union surprised much of the western world in 1957 with its successful launch of sputnik, the first satellite to reach outer space.