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History of Trade in Canada

  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    -On this day, John Cabot landed on the east coast of North America
    -Cabot located an abundance of highly coveted fish from the Atlantic Canadian waters, that would provide the catalyst for Canadian International Trade
  • Jun 30, 1508

    New World Map

    New World Map
    A detailed map of the New World published in Rome lists for the first time Terra Nova – Newfoundland.
  • Aug 13, 1535

    First Europeans to sail into the St. Lawrence river

    First Europeans to sail into the St. Lawrence river
    Cartier becomes the first European to sail into the St. Lawrence River, which he believes is a route to Asia. Two sons of Iroquois Chief Donnacona, who are guiding Cartier, refer to their native village as Canada, the explorer’s first exposure to the name.
  • First Fortified Trading Post

    First Fortified Trading Post
    -Pierre de Chauvin de Tonnetuit and Francois Grave du Pont build Canada’s first fortified trading post, at Tadoussac in what is now Quebec.
  • Radisson and Des Groseillier

    Radisson and Des Groseillier
    -Radisson and des Groseillier were prevented from setting up their own company by the French government.
  • Formation of the Hudsons's Bay Company

    Formation of the Hudsons's Bay Company
    -Royal Charter to form a new company, the Hudson’s Bay (now known as the Hudson’s Bay Company), granted by the King.
  • Formation of the North West Company

    Formation of the North West Company
    • A group of 16 merchants united to form the North West Company. They became a major competitor to the Hudson’s Bay Company.
  • Major fur trade companies Merge

    Major fur trade companies Merge
    -The Hudson’s Bay Company and North West Company merged under the Hudson’s Bay Company name.
  • Silk becomes more popular

    Silk becomes more popular
    • Silk becomes more popular in Europe reducing the need for beaver pelts.
  • Canadian Pacific Railway

    Canadian Pacific Railway
    -On 15 February 1881, legislation confirming the contract received royal assent, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was formally incorporated the next day.
  • Canada - Japan relations

    Canada - Japan relations
    • Since the 1950s, Japan and Canada have concluded a number of bilateral agreements concerning fishery, trade, aviation, postal service, atomic energy, and culture.
  • NAFTA was signed

    NAFTA was signed
    • Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990, the leaders of the three nations signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992
  • Canada, Japan, China, South Korea relations

    Canada, Japan, China, South Korea relations
    -Canada is negotiating trade agreements with China, Japan and South Korea in the area of Information and communication technologies, Enterprise Solutions and Mobile Applications and Medical Imaging.
  • Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

    Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
    The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a free-trade agreement between Canada, the European Union and its member states
  • NAFTA renamed USMCA

    NAFTA renamed USMCA
    • The Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada is a signed but not ratified free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.