Period: to
HIstory of the X-Ray
Wilhelm Röntgen, a German physicist, is widely attributed as the “true” discoverer of X-Rays because he studied them in-depth beginning in 1895 and gave them their name -
First Image
Rontgen takes image of wifes had - It Clearly show her wedding ring. -
First Time used in surgery
Major John Hall-Edwards - Uses the x-ray during surgery -
McKinley Dies
McKinley dies of his injuries - one bullet is never located -
President McKinley Shot
At the world fair expo President McKinley is shot twice. Dr's refuse to use the X-Ray machine on display -
Clarence Madison Dally - Dies of Cancer
The Assistant to Edison died - Shocking Edison who then gave up research in x-rays -
Major John Hall-Edwards develops cancer
Diagnostic x-ray Machines
First MRI of Human Brain
Digital x-ray introduced