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Continuing The Vision
The Vision
In July of 1945 Vannevar Bush writes "As we may think" inwhich he describes a system called the memex, which is able to systematically manage data. http://www.livinginternet.com/i/ii_bush.htm
www.gizmag.com -
First Hypertext System
Douglas Engelbart not only created the mouse, but the first ever hypertext system, http://www.livinginternet.com/w/wi_engelbart.htm -
Using Douglass' ideas, the first ARPANET connection was established, setting the stage for the future web. http://www.livinginternet.com/i/ii_arpanet.htm -
Tim Burners Lee creates Web
Born in London, England, created the World Wide Web through CERN, the company he worked for, in 1989 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee#Career -
Break through
Internet reaches one thousand hosts -
first web page
By the end of the year 1990, Cern had established it's own webpage -
The web is open for outside Cern Members
In 1991, the web is avalible for people outside of the buisness Cern -
The avalibilty of the Internet expands
Everyone is now able to access the web without having to pay a fee. -
Improving the web
In 1994 Tim Burner Lee discovered the true potential of the intertnet, and in hopes of continuing it's success, he established a programs called World Wide Web Consortium. This would allow people to put in stocks for the web, and it helped to make sure that the web would be impoved where it needed to be. https://webfoundation.org/about/vision/history-of-the-web/ -
over one trillion web pages made -
Period: to
The web continues to expand
The web continues to expand in users,and pages on a day to day basis, with users over 1.7 billion, and over one trillion pages being made/made. -
Expansion Cont.
over 1.7 billion web users.