
History of the WSPU

  • Period: to

    History of the WSPU

  • WSPU Formed

    WSPU Formed
    The WSPU was formed by Emmeline Pankhurts after a group of women decided to lobby political parties to take some practical action to gain the right to vote for women.
  • Goverment's Official Policy

    Goverment's Official Policy
    It was decided that WSPU members would demand to know if women's suffrage was part of the Goverment's Official Policy.
  • 'Votes for Women' Banners

    'Votes for Women' Banners
    Emmeline Pankhurts recorded her aim that 'Vote for Women banners would appear at public meetings wherever a prospective memeber of goverment was to speak.
  • Extending 'Women's Question'

    Extending 'Women's Question'
    The WSPU was determines that 'the women's questions' would be answered and extended their campaign to London.
  • First Suffrage Procession

    First Suffrage Procession
    The first suffrage procession was held when 400 women marched to a meeting at Caxton Hall, London.
  • Requestion a Interview with the Prime Minister

    Requestion a Interview with the Prime Minister
    The WSPU requested an interview with the Prime MInister. When women were told that it was not possible, a deputation from the WSPU marched to his residence at No. 10 Downing Street.
  • WSPU talks in the House of Commons.

    WSPU talks in the House of Commons.
    WSPU was discusses in the House of Commons by the Labour Party Chairman, Keir Hardie. The resoloution was, 'that in the opinion if this House it is desirabke that sex should cease to be a bar to the exercise of the Parlimentary Franchise. A memeber for Shordeitch, William Randall Cremer rose to speak against it.
  • Women in Parliment

    Women in Parliment
    The WSPU campaign included a 'Women's Parliment'. Aware that they were barried from participating in any House of Commons debate.
  • Demanding Interviews

    The WSPU numbers decided that new measures needed to make their point. A small degligationn of women gathered in Downing Street to demand interviews with Cabinet Ministers.
  • New Campaign

    The WSPu relased a manifesto, deanding that women be 'free citizens of a free country before the year is out.'
  • New Tactics

    Two members, Miss McLellan and Miss Soloman, used to try and see Mr Asquith. These women became 'human letters' and posted themselves.
  • Concilation Bill

    The concilation bill was intorduced into the House of Commons. If successful, it would have secured the parlimentary franchise for about a million women 'possessed' of household qualifiction.
  • Brutal to Women

    Women were treated with brutiality when they were pushed in all directions, thrown down by the police and their arms were twisted until they were almost broken. From 1910 women began to take a more militan action.