Email Becoming A Communication Discovery
Created by John Vittal, was the first internet program to have the internet send messages. In order to communicate from the individual to another. Emails can also attach files, invite many groups to the email, and to have free access at anytime for individuals around the world. -
World Wide Web Is Born
A man named Tim Berners Lee dropped off two proposals that would be the plan discovery of the world wide web. The board in Switzerland did not approve one of the proposals, but Lee went a head with the discovery. By Christmas of 1990 Lee creates the world wide web. Just three months past Lee converted the program onto NeXT computer. The computer has a server, HTML, URLS, as well as the first browser. -
First Main Browser
A program named Mosaic was the first browser. That is approved with a major institution. First started making sure that the program was working according to plan. To having the program being a success. Soon NCSA started to create other versions for Mac, and PC. What was different about the program was a person. Dose not know computers at all. Would know how to install Mosaic know how to get around just fine. -
Internet Moves To The United States
World Wide Web offices moved from Switzerland to MIT in Boston. Vice President Al Gore wanted to create a White House web site. In order to get funding for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in The United States. In Silicon Valley started to invest in possibilities for the world wide web. Created programs like Java and Netscape. After the move from Europe the web expand farther west. After that the web never came back to Europe. -
War Microsoft vs. Netscape And Another Program Was Invented
Once Microsoft released Internet Explore. Created a browsing war between Microsoft and Netscape. Overall, Netscape became a thing of the past. While Microsoft Internet Explore ruled the browsing war. While the war was still going on. Another program was invented in the same year. The online auction program called Ebay arrived on the computer. -
World Wide Web Reached 30 Million Users and Nokia Mobile Phone
By the end of 1996 there were 30 million users on the world wide web.The end of the decade expand to 360 million users. By the year of 2010 only get higher and higher by reaching two billion users. While the internet is still expanding their users. The phone company Nokia Created a mobile phone that had internet on the go. -
Google Took Off While Government Had Control With Internet
The search engine Google began operations. Once the search engine start. Gathered a lot of users and became easy to search a simple phrase. In order to get what users are looking for. The government knew how the world wide web was increasing in popularity. Wanted all control of the web domain system. The group also created internet sites for only the government use only. -
Wi-Fi Got Invented
Was a short range radio system known as the IEEE 802. 11b. Created a better name called Wi-Fi. Keeping competition alive Apple released a device called airport. That connected from the device to brand new macs. Making sure that you can connect to the internet no problem. This revolutionized the society, by creating cable free connection on the go. -
The Oldest Social Media Myspace Is Launched
The very first social media website Myspace launched. Having individuals wanting to connect with people from all over the world. -
Virus Affected The World Wide Web
Their was a serious virus called ILOVEYOU. Affected millions of millions computers around the world. This overall affected millions of dollars worth of damage. After this inventors wanted to invent the need for online security. -
Illegal Music Site Napster
Internet site became popular called Napster. Were you can swap any kind of music for free. This site got caught with not having copyrights on their site. This site was good for users because there was 150 users. Bad for the owner Shawn Fanning got caught with copyright infringement. The United State courts ordered the owner of Napster to shut down the site. -
Itunes Music Only Ninety- Nine Cents
Apple introduces a new way to buy music. Downloading iTunes music on whatever computer an individual has. They have the ability to buy any genre of music for only ninety- nine cents. Now the price has risen to one dollar and twenty- five cents. -
YouTube Invented
The internet site YouTube were leashed to the public. This internet site consist of videos of any kind. Other people can view and watch over and over again. This is a great form of social media Internet page. Gained fame recognition for many people. Are leading leading their dreams to be famous. -
Social Networking Expanding
The social media site Facebook reached one billion users. It just keeps growing and growing as the years pass by. -
The Connection From Ocean to Ocean
All over the world the connection to the internet has reached 2.7 billion users. This takes up forty percent of the world's population. The Chinese language overtakes English language. As the main language that individuals are speaking.