Tehcnological Discoveries of the Monks
Bendictine monks made sure to study ancient scrolls from the Latins and the Greeks and used their findings to create books and new discoveries. They would make hundred of copies of these books by hand for future people to read and learn from. This created the tradtion of copying down discoveries and spread the importance of knowledge in science and religion. -
Period: 600 to 1550
European Technological History
Invention of Arabic Numbers
Arabic numbers were invented in the 700s by the Arabs to create an easier mathmatical system then the Roman system. Instead of using roman numerals, the arabics used the numbers we see today (supposedly a symbolic representation of numbers) and followed the concept of place values. The system is based on ten different glyphs (0-9), which descended from Brahmi numerals created by the Indians. -
Invention of Arabic Numbers
Arabic numbers were invented in the 700s by the Arabs to create an easier mathmatical system then the Roman system. Instead of using roman numerals, the arabics used the numbers we see today (supposedly a symbolic representation of numbers) and followed the concept of place values. The system is based on ten different glyphs (0-9), which descended from Brahmi numerals created by the Indians. -
Arab Scientific Discoveries
The Arabics used the discoveries of Alexander the Great and Aristotle to learn about science and lead to advancements of their own. They started to investigate nature and create the science of chemistry and the mathmatical system of algebra. Both of these methods of study are still used today and were discovered during the time of the ancient Arabs -
Architectual Advancements of the Age of Chivalry Castles
During the Age of Chivalry, many architectual advancements were made that are demonstrated in the castles that are still standing today. Knights built moats, drawbridges, strong walls with arrow holes, battlements, dungeons, chapels, and a massive tower at its center. Knights were often able to use thier towers to protect themselves in times of danger and show their power to the public. -
Invention of Money
Before exchanging gold and silver as "money" in the Holy Roman Empire, people. bargined with what they produced. With the invention of money all people can use the same material to purchase items without having to produce a certain item that was needed. Italy was able to expand its cities and towns in wealth with the invention of money, and eventually shared this concept with other nations. -
First European Use of the Compass
Even though once again the Chinese had already discovered and used the compass for years, the Europeans did not make this discovery until the time of the Crusades. At that time, it was not commonly used. However, when the Age of Exploration began, the compass became a key tool for voyagers to set sail across the western ocean. -
European Discovery of Gunpowder
Before the Europeans discovered gunpowders use in weaponry, the Chinese originally discovered it, and used the material to create fireworks. The Europeans began to use gunpowder in cannons and guns for shooting. Gunpowder was first used in warfare in the Hundred Years War, even though bows and arrows were still more effective, and continue to be used in warfare today. -
The European Invention of the Printing Press
The printing press was first brought to Europe, specifically Germany, by Johannes Gutenberg. Instead of printing from whole blocks of wood, people could now print from single letter metal pieces that can be used repeatedly. Now Europeans could make multiple copies of pieces more simply and cheaper as the Chinese had previously done for years. -
The Experiments of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was a very curious artist and made discoveries that were based on his own art, but would not be shared with the public until many years later. He was the first person to carry out an accurate investigation into creating an artifical bird or flying machine, or what we now know to be an airplane or helicopter. He experimented the causes of whirlpools and how hot air rises. However, he did not share his extremely advanced discoveries outof fear of being an heteric. -
Creation of the Great Wall of China
Under the rule of the Ming dynasty, the concept of the Great Wall of China was created. By building this wall, the Ming would be able to use a new strategy in keeping the nomadic tribes from invading their land. The construction of the wall continued until the Qing rule, and China became known to other nations as a powerful, organizaed, and prosperous state.