History of the world

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    Neolithic relvolution

    Humans transitioned from being nomands to farmers. 10,000 bc
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    The Sumerians

    The Sumerians are thought to have invented the first wheeled vehicles. They created a complex religious system and built large religous temples called Ziggurates.
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    2300 BC, Sargon

    Sargon the rular of Akkad invaded and conquered Sumeria. He built the worlds first known empire.
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    1790 BC.

    Brings most of Mesopotamia under his control. Hammurabi published the first ever set of written laws called Hammurabi's code.
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    Unifies cyrus persian empire. first rular to divide rule with provinces and governers.
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    Egypt, old kingdom (2575-2000BC)

    old kingdom collapses, power struggls, crop failurs, cost of building Pyramids.
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    Egyptians, since there old kingdom fell, they are coquered by Hyksos.
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    First female rular in world history. ruled from 1472 to 1458 BC.
    Led massive construction projects and trade expeditions to central Africa.
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    Thutmose 3

    Stretched Egypts borders to their greatest extent. great military general and conquerer.
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    1650: athens: location, attica, northof peloponnesus

    1650: athens: location, attica, northof peloponnesus
    gov from monarchy into aristocracy. wealth and power grew. soldiers resented power of nobles. farmers were forced to sell their lands. slavery to pay of debts.
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    1650 BC Athenias

    1650 BC Athenias
    Athenians more say in important dicisions, only boys went to schoool, age 6-7. sports, music, reading and writing. paidagogos-make sure sons were safe, behaved, helped wiht work. school rules- private and paid fees, no one of the 3 schools was most important, no law saying how long they attended shcool.
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    1650 BC Athenians.

    1650 BC Athenians.
    further education, if a young man wanted to they go to a philosophical school, (academy) if they were poor, boys learned a trade from their father. females= not as educated, some went to a special school mostly learned how to do housework.
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    800 BC. Rome

    800 BC. Rome
    Where did rome come from? Legend of Romulus and Remus... Descendants of the Latin People settled in Italy around 800 BC. Italy also populated by Greeks, Etruscans, Carthaginians.
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    509 BC: Roman Republic.

    509 BC: Roman Republic.
    Roman Republic, in 509 BC the Romans overthrow their Etruscan ruler. 500 years, people choose officials, prevents one individual form gaining too much power.
  • 130


    comes to rule in 1380 BC. orders Egyptian society to abandon the worship of all gods and goddess other than Aton. this caused nobles and common Egyptians to abandon him and revolt.
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    359 BC Phillip 2

    359 BC Phillip 2
    Phillip the second, ruler of Macedonia, gains power 359 BC. one dream: conquer the south.
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    338 Phillip 2

    338 Phillip 2
    Phillip the second, in 338 BC conquers the Athens and the Thebes. eventually conquers all of Greece
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    264 BC Roman Gladiator

    264 BC Roman Gladiator
    In 264 BC, romes sports and entertainment were the Gladiators. adopted by the earlier Etruscans. Gladiators fight in an arena.
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    1750BC Mountains Mediterranean shaped Greece

    1750BC Mountains Mediterranean shaped Greece
    greeks were involved in shipping, safe harpors. 1750 bc rapid population growth, built small city-states. no massive empire
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    428 BC- 348 Plato

    428 BC- 348 Plato
    Plato was born 428bc- 348 bc he died. he was a mathematician, philosopher, founder of the academhy in athens.
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    1650 BC

    1650 BC
    bronze weapons were replaced by iron. Phalanx is a massive tactical formation of foot soldiers long drill hours.
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    431BC Peloponnesian War

    431BC Peloponnesian War
    War begins 431BC- lasts 27 years. Pelo League (Sparta) vs. Delian League (Athens). Sparta has the Geographic advantage. Sparta lays siege to Athens. Plague wipes out the city
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    63 BC romans conquer judea

    63 BC romans conquer judea
    Romans conquered Judea 63 BC. Excused the Jews from worshipping Roman gods.
    Zealot movement in Judea at the time. Zealot- passionate religious beliefs. Zealots believed a messiah would deliver them from Roman rule.
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    499BC Persians

    499BC Persians
    Persians conquered the athens. 499 BC the lonian greeks decided to rebel against the persians. the athens sent ships to help the lonians.
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    100-500 CE

    100-500 CE
    Christianity= strictly monotheistic, Romans: polytheistic. Romans thought Christians were disloyal. blamed for social ills, executed, not allowed to practice. Period of Migration happened because of the Huns, 100-500 CE
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    66-126 AD two rebellions

    66-126 AD two rebellions
    Roman Forces Dismantle Jerusalem. Destroy Temple, level Jerusalem, kill enslave the jewish people.
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    27 BC - 180 AD Romans admired the Greeks

    27 BC - 180 AD Romans admired the Greeks
    Rome conquered Greece physically, Greece conquered rome culturally. Greco-Rome civilization. Pax Romana: characteristics; safe, easy travel, academic achievement, wealth, cultural advancements.
  • 312

    312 AD Rome

    312 AD Rome
    Rome went from being polytheistic to christia, monotheistic. the ruler at the time, constantine, had a dream or vision that lead him to fight under christian standards.
  • 475

    475 AD Last Western Roman emperor

    475 AD Last Western Roman emperor
    Last roman emperor, reigns oct 31, 475- Sept 4, 476 AD.
  • 476

    476 AD. Odoacer,

    476 AD. Odoacer,
    476 AD, Odoacer, barbarian, germanic? turkish? forces romulus to abdicate his throne. declares himslef "king of italy"
  • 476

    476 AD Theodoric the Great

    476 AD Theodoric the Great
    Theodoric the Great sets up a sophisticated law system. germanic based, lombard laws. re-establihses peace in italy.
  • 532

    532 AD Nika Riots

    532 AD Nika Riots
    in constantinople, sports team riot. riot goes out of control, constantople burned. to regian control, soldiers attack roman citizens.
  • Jan 5, 1000

    1000 Gregory the Great

    1000 Gregory the Great
    Gregory was the first bishop of Rome. Considered to be appropriately called the pope. in tiems of chaos gregory brought stabiliyin the church which enabled them to bring stability of social and political life.
  • Jan 8, 1000

    1000 Papal States

    1000 Papal States
    The pope lives in Rome, The Holy Roman Empire. the empire was, not holy, not roman, not much of an empire.
  • Jan 10, 1010


    Otto 1 and pope John XII crowns Otto "emeror". bestfriends until 1054.
  • Jan 13, 1054

    1054 Lay Investiture.

    1054 Lay Investiture.
    King and Pope are bestfriends until 1054 Lay Investiture controversy- a regular person granting a bishop power. they started arguing over who gave the bishop power.
  • Jan 18, 1054

    Prior 1054,

    Catholic= Universal. was divided into five regions: Constantinople; Alexandria; Antioch; Jerusalem.
    Bishop of Rome: Pope. claims importance as heir of Peter, gains power as barbarians convert.
  • Jan 19, 1054

    The Break-Up 1054

    The Church breaks up in to two different ones.Why? Power hungry Popes, and Filioque disagreement. Filioque= and the son.
    Rome uses this phrase, Constantinople does not.
  • Jan 20, 1060

    Two Churches

    Roman Catholic: uses Filioque. governs western europe. pope=all powerful.
    Greek Orthodox: does not use filioque. Lead by Patriarch. governs eastern europe. Patriarch must listen to ruler of Byzantine Empire.
  • Jan 16, 1066

    1066 William the Conqueror

    1066 William the Conqueror
    William invades England on Christmas Day, 1066. Battle Tactic, Pretend to flee in panic, turn around and kill persuers, run away again.
  • Jan 17, 1066

    1066 William the conqueror

    1066 William the conqueror
    William conquered England. Impact, william only spoke French, and everybody else spoke english, so he forced everybody to learn french causing the english language to be changed forever.
  • Jan 21, 1348

    Black Death: 1348

    What happened? A disease ravages europe killing 1 in 3 people.
    Cause of the disease Rats and Fleas.
  • Jan 22, 1348

    1348: Mongal amry

    Mongolia survives the Plague. Mongal army conquers all of Asia, spreading the plague.
  • Jan 23, 1360


    European Sailors trade with China. Sailors get sick, return to Europe with diseased rats. diseased people and rats have fleas.
    fleas jump from person to person spreading disease.
  • 499 Athens

    Athens created the delian league: athens created an empire with their allies called the delian league.
  • 378 AD Battle of Adrianople

    378 AD Battle of Adrianople
    first major defeat to barbarians. barbarians kill the roman emperor, valens. start of barbarian conquering.
  • 468 AD Franks rise to power

    468 AD Franks rise to power
    Franks rise to power 468 AD, located presnt day, france. ferocious warrior who unit with the catholic church.
  • 468 AD Clovis

    468 AD Clovis
    Clovis unites the frankish tribes into one kingdom in 468. converts the franks to christianity. political alliance, not a religious one.
  • 4 BC Jesus Christ

    4 BC Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ, most information comes form th four gospels.
    Born 4 BC, Jewish, Descendant of King David.
    Life of Christ, very little known until age 30. Preaches in villages near the Sea of Galilee. Gathered large crowds. Miracles of Healing.