History of the Web

  • Period: to

    Internet Time Line

  • John Golden Theater

    John Golden Theater
    It also operated as a movie house in the late 9040s and '50s
  • The Soviets lanched Spunik

    The Soviets lanched Spunik
    The Soviets launced Sputnik, man's first foray into outer space, and the U.S. government under President Eisenhower subsequently launched an aggressive military campaign
  • ARPA

    President Eisenhower requests funds to create ARPA. Approved as a line item in Air Force appropriations bill.
  • Sending a moan to the moon

    Sending a moan to the moon
    through the time period of 40s-50s we wanted to send a man to space and we started researching/working on a spaceship
  • Packet Switching

    Packet Switching
    Len Kleinrock, Professor of Computer Science at UCLA, writes first paper on packet switching,
  • First paper on internet concept

    First paper on internet concept
    J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark write first paper on Internet Concept, "On-Line Man Computer Communications."
  • Message Blocks

    Message Blocks
    Paul Baran writes, "On Distributed Communications Networks," first paper on using message blocks to send info across a decentralized networktopology(Nodes and Links)
  • RPG

    Report Program Generator, a programming languae developed by IMB in the mid-60s fro developing business applications, especially generating reports from data.
  • ARPA Begins

    ARPA Begins
    ARPA project begins. Larry Roberts is chief scientist.
  • Contract was made

    ARPANet contract given to bolt, Bernack and Newman (BBN) in Cambridge, Mass.
  • Unix

    The operating system whose design influenced the Linux and FreeBSD
  • Email

    Ray Tomlinson developed the email, who decided to use the '@" symbol to seperate the user name from the computer name.
  • Intel

    Intelreleases the 8080 processor.
  • The Apple 2

    The Apple 2
    The first mass-marketed personal computer, the Apple II, is launched.
  • first personal computer

    first personal computer
    IMB announces its first Personal Computer. Microsoft creates DOS
  • Apple Company

    Apple Company
    Steve Jobs created the Apple Computer,
  • Cisco System

    Cisco System
    Cisco system founded
  • uses the internet to write the first book

    uses the internet to write the first book
    William Gibson writes "Neuromancer." Coins the term "Cyberspace."
  • Hosts and routers

    Hosts and routers
    10,000 hosts on the Internet
    First Cisco router shipped
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    ARPAnet ends. Tim Berners-Lee creates the World Wide Web.
  • Windows 95 released

  • business.com

    business.com solf for $150,000
  • High Speed Internet

    High Speed Internet
    Fixed wireless, high-speed internet technology is now seen as a viable alternative to copper and fiber optic lines placed in the ground.
  • web pages doubles

    there are 20,000 websites on the internet, numbers doubling since February 2000
  • iTunes

    apple surpasses one billion itunes downloads
  • First Internet College

    First Internet College
    First ARPANET international connections to University College of London (England) and NORSAR (Norway)
  • Internet users

    Internet users
    1.114 billion people use the interent according to interent wrold status