The Act of Union was passed the two Kingdoms English and Welsh became one 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' except Scotland.
Battle of Culloden
The English government and lowland Scots defeated the highland army of Charles Edwards. -
The Parliament
For the first time allows written records of its debates to be published freely -
James Watt invents the first steam engine
Irish Parliament
The separate Irish Parliament is closed and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is formed -
Period: to
19th Century
- Britain became the world’s foremost economic power.
- The British came to see themselves as having a duty to spread this culture and civilization around the world.
- There were great changes in social structure. Most people now lived in towns and cities. (They no longer depended on country landowners for their living but rather on the owners of industries.)
Period: to
Other events in the 19th Century
-Middle-class religious conviction, together with a belief that reform
was better than revolution, allowed reforms in public life. Some of
them were:
-Slavery and the laws against people on the basis of religion
were abolished.
-Laws were made to protect workers from some of the worst
excesses of the industrial mode of production.
-Public services such as the post and the police were begun. -
The first modern police force is formed.
Catholics and non Anglican protestants are given the right to hold government posts
A general sense o f prosperity was combined with a rather high long-term unemployment rate
Period: to
Social classes in the early 20th Century
- the urban working class (the majority o f the population) finally began to make its voice heard.
- In Parliament, the Labour party gradually replaced the Liberals. Since then, the working class has faded as a political force
General Strike
Period: to
The Trades Union Congress
was probably the single most powerful political force outside the institutions of government and Parliament. -
A sense of austerity
was combined with a very low rate of unemployment. -
British Telecom is privatized.
First Gulf War