The first bank of the United States
Congress set up the Bank of United States, granting it a 20-year charter to operate.
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The free bank era
The number of state-chartered banks nearly tripled.
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Stability in the later 1800s
By 1860, an estimated 8000 different banks were circulating currency. -
The second bank of the United States
Congress charted the second bank of the United States. -
Bank in the Early 1900s
Lacking adequate reserves, many banks had to stop exchanging gold for paper money.
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Bank and the Great Depresssion
Great Depression-the severe economic deciline that began in 1929 and lasted more than a decade. -
The saving and Loan crisis
The deregulation contributed to a crisis in a calss of banks known as savings and Loans. -
Congress measures
Congress passed legislation that essential abolished the independence of the savings and loan industry. This legislation expanded the insurance responsilibities of the FDIC.
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Financial "Meltdown" and Bailout
In late 2006, problems in the U.S. banking industry began to threaten the housing market. -
Slow recovery
President bush and President Obama have taken many steps to try to revive the economy, but even so, the recovery has been slow.