The first mechanical TV
Paul Nipkow figured out how to send images through wires. He does this by using a disc to rotate the image. This disc was later named the Nipkow Disc. He then invented the first ever Mechanical TV.
http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/a/Television.htm -
Baird's improvements
John Baird demonstrated the first moving pictures with a tv system that is similar to Nipkow's disc based system.He used 30 lines along with the idea of reflecting light instead of silhouettes to publicly demonstrate the TV. The image he used was a human face. http://inventors.about.com/od/britishinventions/a/JohnBaird.htm -
Phil Farnsworth created the first ever all electronic tv. He names it the image dissector. He uses his own development of the dissector tube to make this possible.This tube became the standard for all electronic TV's.
http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/a/Television.htm -
Coaxial Cable
In AT&T laboratories, the Coaxial Cable was created. This cable was copper surrounded by insulation and aluminum was used to send signals between devises.The first experimental cables were placed between Philadelphia and New York. http://inventors.about.com/od/tstartinventions/a/Television_Time_3.htm -
Now in color.
An CBS employee by the name of Peter Goldberg created a TV that produced images in color. He accomplished this having a wheel with the colors red,blue and yellow spin in front of a cathode ray tube. http://inventors.about.com/od/famousinventions/fl/Color-Television-History.htm -
Cable TV
In the states Oregon, Arkansas, and Pennsylvania, there was very little reception. To combat this problem cable television was made. Inn regions where reception was poor, community antennae were created and people connected their TV sets in their houses to it. https://www.calcable.org/learn/history-of-cable/ -
Zenith Space Commander.
Robert Alder set out to make a wireless remote. He did this by using ultrasonic to transmit signals. The remote had four aluminum rods that created ultrasonic sounds. 2 of these rods were for channel control, 1 for sound and 1 for power. http://www.zenith.com/remote-background/