Telescope refractor

History of the Telescope

By steie1
  • Hans Lippershey Invents Telescope

    Hans Lippershey Invents Telescope
  • Galileo Builds Telescope

    Galileo Builds Telescope
    Galileo Galilei bulds the first telescope, and looks into the night sky. Discovers 4 of Jupiters moons, sees craters in our moon, and sees the milky way
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton builds telescope with morrors instead of glass,first functional telescope
  • Wlliam Herschel Discovers Uranus

    Wlliam Herschel Discovers Uranus
  • Yerkes Observatory

    Yerkes Observatory
    Using mirrors brought back, becuase lense could be much bigger
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Discovers universe goes beyond the milky way and is expanding.
  • Background radiation

    Background radiation
    Penzius and Wilson accidentaly discover cosmic background raiation, confirming the big bang
  • Hubble Telescope in Orbit

    Hubble Telescope in Orbit
  • WMAP

    Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe used to measure cosmic background radiaton
  • Kepler telescope

    Kepler telescope
    NASA launches Kepler telescope, to search for inhabitable planets.